Monday, 17 August 2020

Monday is fact day


Good afternoon world here we are at another Monday and that meadns it is fact day, not always interesting or always 100% ture but fun to read.

Duke is the highest rang you can be without being a king or a prince.

Reindeer eat a moss which contains a special chemical that acts as a antifreeze that keeps their body fluids warm

There is an airport in Calcutta that was named “Dum Dum Airport”

The YO YO is the second oldest known toy in the world, the oldest is a doll, it was invented 3000 years ago in Greece.

According to ancient law in York, it was ok to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow, except on Sundays.


  1. That last one is amusing, but not so back then.
    Didn't know about the airport.
    The others are interesting too..

  2. Interesting facts. It is true that there is a Dumdum airport. If the last one is true, then the Scotsman can only be seen on Sunday without being shot at.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    The shooting with bow and arrow at a Scotsman is pure horror! Read that this archaic law in Britain was abolished in 2013 and it was only if the Scotsman was carrying a bow and arrow...

  4. I didn't know any of those - nice facts today.
    I was surprised by this one:
    Reindeer eat a moss which contains a special chemical that acts as a antifreeze that keeps their body fluids warm!

  5. I bet the Scotsmen of the day had a nice law for the Yorkies right back...

  6. Sundays are my most boring day because I can't go after the Scotsmen.


  7. Margaret D.....A strange law for sure

    Nancy......Strange facts

    Marriette......Yes it is, 1013 ia a long time for a law such as that to be around

    Sandie......Pleased I could tell you sdomething new

    Chris.....If you sday so

    Janie......Now it is

  8. OH I loved these Jo-Anne! All of them and I am still smiling at the last one.


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  Ok this week we are looking at Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia. Located in the centre of t...