Monday, 31 August 2020

Fact Day


Hello Monday, hello world...........

How is life treating you?

The names of all the continents end with the same letter they start with.

The longest stairway in the world is the service stairway for the Niesenbahn funicular railway near Spiez in Switzerland, it has 11,674 steps.

The celebration of Christmas was banned in Boston from 1659 to 1681, anyone showing Christmas spirit was fined five shillings. The pilgrims thought it was a decadent and ungodly celebration.

The Vatican is the world's smallest country at 0.44 square kilometres or 0.16 square miles.

Earth is the densest planet in the solar system.


  1. Thanks for these interesting facts and I have learned something new today!

  2. How interesting Jo-Anne, that is an awful lot of steps, I would never make it!

  3. Hi Jo-Anne - hope all goes well for you this week - take care ... and yes Christmas was banned here when Oliver Cromwell was in charge in the 1650s ... glad he's gone now! All the best - Hilary

  4. I did not know that about Boston. Which is odd since I live here.

    I also never noticed the continent names/letters. Learn something new each week.

  5. Thank you for the interesting facts which I do not know about.

  6. Of course, to be picky, we split America into north and South here. It wasn't till a few years back I learned different nations teach the continents different ways...

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, in a way I am with those Puritans (Roman Catholics from that era) who opposed against the Protestant way of celebrating Christmas.
    Still I'm not all with the 'Gift Giving' and the Commercialism that Christmas has become ever since...
    It's about the Birth of Jesus Christ!

  8. Rosie.......You are welcome

    Margaret D......Me either

    Hilary......History is full of what the hell moments

    Juli.......I am pleased you did

    Nancy......It's wat I do

    Chris....If you say so

    Mariette.....History is interesting and a lot of it I don't get


Saudi Arabia

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