Sunday, 23 August 2020

Another week that was

 I had a sleep in this morning 8am I got up Tasha had already been down and put a load of washing on.

Jess & Tash went over to help Jade and Leo when he got up came over here.

Saw Kelli when she dropped of Blain.

Freya is so damn cute

Been a busy day with washing and ironing, vacuuming out as well as packing and unpacking dishwasher.

The move is pretty much done & dusted

I woke just before the alarm and got up when it went off, as I was getting dressed Tasha came and got my breakfast ready.

At 7.10 Leo walked in took his school clothes and went to his room to dress for school. When I asked about his mum he said she was still sleeping.

At 11am a delivery man arrived with packages for Jess, I sent him to her unit, telling him she only moved there over the weekend.

Sandy rang me at 9ish to let me know that mum wasn't good sue found her crying and rang Sandy who found her a little confused and not with it. Leigh went over to check her out and thinks she may have “uti' and was arranging antibiotics.

When mum rang me she was fine and sounded like herself.

Up with my alarm and felt like I wash shaking all over, managed to have my morning wash and was getting dressed when Tasha arrived.

Jess came and said bye before leaving and Leo arrived around 15 mins later.

Leo left his school bag at his house and had to get the key from Tash in order to get it.

Tim home early at 2pm

Mum was ok when we spoke just like normal, no confusion at all today.

Downloaded another book through Lake Mac library but it wouldn't let me open Borrow Box for Lake Mac it keeps defaulting to Newcastle Library which is so annoying. I will try and sort it out tomorrow.

I didn't feel like getting up this morning but of curse I did and while dressing Tasha turned up and helped me apply spray oil to my legs as they are drying out and the spray is hard to spray so difficult I can't do it.

Leo came over at 7.50, he rang me at 7 and said his mum wanted me to ring him at 7.10 which I did but as we talked I said I would ring him again when it was time to get ready which I did.

Tim was home from 9.30 to 1pm another split shift.

Leo came home in a down mood, he went straight home to do chores before his Xbox.

It has been a long ass day.

I got up as usual, just didn't feel like it but can't stay in bed all day.

Leo rang and asked when he had to be here, I told him and he said to give him an extra 5 minutes for breakfast.

Around 2pm Jess goes out to go to work and heard a strange noise so she checked the work van over and discovered the back window was smashed. What the hell.........

So she rings work to inform them but they already knew the lawn mowing people did it with a wayward stone. However, we all felt they should have knocked on her door and told her in person. This mob seem a bit reckless, they often leave a mess, Tasha rang the DoH and lodged a complaint.

Jess had to take the van into work to be repaired.

Leo in a good mood this afternoon.

I got up as usual, just didn't feel like it but can't stay in bed all day.

Leo rang and asked when he had to be here, I told him and he said to give him an extra 5 minutes for breakfast.

Around 2pm Jess goes out to go to work and heard a strange noise so she checked the work van over and discovered the back window was smashed. What the hell.........

So she rings work to inform them but they already knew the lawn mowing people did it with a wayward stone. However, we all felt they should have knocked on her door and told her in person. This mob seem a bit reckless, they often leave a mess, Tasha rang the DoH and lodged a complaint.

Jess had to take the van into work to be repaired.

Leo in a good mood this afternoon.

Another cold day, alarm went off and my first thought was already time to get up. Read a message from Jess about the van it is being repaired today sometime the lawn people are paying for it.

Leo this morning had a fight with his school pants none of them felt/fitted right so he threw them across his room and asked if he could wear his track pants, I said sure.

My left knee is unstable this afternoon feels like it will give way at any step.

Jess is helping me get ready for bed

Leo didn't have the best of days trouble with bullies.

I had a bit of a sleep in, getting up at 7am Tim is here and helped me dress for the day.

Getting groceries delivered mine & Jess's, Jess paid for delivery .

It is a bloody cold morning.

Groceries arrived at 10.20, just as Tim got back from the Chemist and Tasha also arrived with stuff for me.

Kathy & Michael arrived around 1ish and Kathy showered me while Tim & Michael went and removed the air con from the house in Gateshead. That didn't take long.

Been a bloody cold day.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Wow, you are still having that cold causing you some trouble in the early mornings.
    What a fate for having a stone thrown through the back window of your car. Hope they do pay for the repair!
    Life comes for each of us with ups and downs, feeling high one day and down another day. The weather also plays a role.
    Good that your Mum sounded okay. It is always scary to get such a call.
    Sending you hugs,

  2. These days, time seems to fly so fast. Thank God for family members that come by to help you whenever you need help. Take care and stay safe.

  3. I think our lawn service are the ones who dented in our car without reporting it a while back. Just love people who are content with doing half-assed jobs...

  4. Mariette.....Yeah the lawn men paid for the repair

    Nancy......Yes time flys by

    Chris....Yeah so bloody annoying


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