Sunday, 9 August 2020

Another week in the life of Jo-Anne


I woke at 6 to go and pee but when I got back into bed I couldn't breath so I went to find my Vicks nasal stick to unblock my nose so I could breath but couldn't fine it so I got up instead.

Another bloody cold morning.'

The internet is out it says that I am connected by no access. Which is bloody annoying.

When I spoke to mum she was for the most part good repeated herself a bit as per usual but I didn't say anything.

Tim at last picked up the boots from mum's place.

This morning I got dressed in the bedroom as Tim was already at work another cold star to the day. Tasha turned up to get my breakfast stuff ready while I was getting dressed.

More internet problems connected but no not working.

Internet started working 90 minutes after it stopped.

Blain had his blood test and breath test for asthma without any problem.

Tim home by 1.45pm an early day for him although he did start at 4.30am.

Again I woke when Tim got up and got out of bed as he was leaving at 6am, Tasha came and helped get my breakfast and put my socks on for me.

At 9am Tim got home for a while as he has another split shift he will leave at 1.30pm

At 11am I started to feel very tired and unable to concentrate so I went to bed for a bit. A bit turned out to be 2hrs.

I have been both cold and so hot on and off all afternoon.

Leo was early this afternoon arriving just after I got to the t op of the driveway.

Leo here tonight.

Tim's alarm went off at 6 and mine at 6.13ch is when I got up turned the heater on then Tasha turned up to throw in a load of washing, she then helped me dress.

I empty the recycle bins and vacuumed out

Kathy rang to check up on me it was nice talking to her.

Tasha said the Dept of Housing has approved Jessica's and Jay's housing swap, this is great news. Then they turn around and say Jess can't move into Jay's as it is for people with mobility problems.

Jessica remembered that Leo has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, so Jess emailed Dr Murray about getting a letter saying that.

I am annoyed and frustrated for Jess & Jay

Up just before the alarm went off at 6.13am I turned on the bedroom heater and the lounge-room heater on as well.

Tasha came down and helped me get ready for the day. Had to get her to help me with a singlet because my chest felt tight.

It heated up as the day wore on, mum rang me at 11.30 she was feeling lonely and wanted someone to talk to, so we chatted for an hour.

After Leo got home I had a bath while drying off mum rang again and we chatted for another half hour.

Tasha & Jade are appealing the decision about the house swap on the grounds that Leo has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome .

Jess said she wouldn't be fighting it if it wasn't for Jade & Tasha.

Tasha does all the talking on Jess's behalf We have to print and fill in more forms.

A new day same old problems more phone calls from Tasha to people about Jess & Jades swap.

I was waiting with Leo this morning when it started to rain and Leo made me come back inside, he was worried about the scooter getting wet.

Kathy came and took me to see dad in the wet weather we took the wheelchair with us to make it easier for me to get around after seeing dad we went to Warners Bay Plaza for me to go to Hot Bargain just to have a look around.

By the time I got home I was in a state and had a smoke while I got myself together.

The first thing Tasha said when she heard was I hope you didn't go to Charlestown Square.

Blain got sent home from school as he was throwing up again.

I have been feeling really tired since 2pm I can barely keep my eyes opened.

I woke at 7.40 after sleeping all night didn't get dressed just had my morning wash an waited till Kathy arrived to give me a shower at 9am.

Tim went and had his fasting blood test done and he picked up the shopping while out.

Spoke to mum and she sounded ok although she did repeat herself a lot .

Jess rang and asked if Leo could stay the night while she went out to visit Kelli & Jay at Kelli's of course I said he could.

Mum rang again while I was getting ready for bed, I will ring her back in the morning.


  1. Whenever the internet has connection problem, I get very restless. A lot of things rely on the internet e.g. blogging, tv box to watch movie or drama, reading the e-news, staying connected with friends through whatsapp, and many others.

  2. Boy, I hate when the internet is down. It make you see how dependent you are on it for so many things. I can get by of course as does everyone else but it is really "a day without sunshine" seeming.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    A lot of things going on in one week.
    Annoying enough to have been cut off from the Internet.
    Then the annoying reply from those bureaucrats about the house swap.
    Hope things will work out!

  4. Rough week, but at least you reminded me to check clinic hours so I know when to get MY tests done.

  5. Hate it when the internet gots out. Hope your Mum is doing okay.

  6. Nancy......Yes that is so bloody true

    Katie.......How did I live without it

    Mariette.......Annoying is the word indeed

    Chris......Just another week

    Mama.....,.We all do and mum is ok


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