Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Plant Day


Hello Tuesday you're dry and coldish but not overly cold, well this Tuesday the plant I am going to tell you a bit about Bamboo every man and his dog has heard of bamboo.

Some may think it is a type of tree but no it's not it is a type of grass, yeah grass, of course we think of all the things it is used for, things like chopping boards, baskets, bridges and houses and is used as scaffolding in some countries such as Hong Kong.

China has around 500 different species of bamboo which is around 40% of all the known species in the world.

The thick strong stalks of bamboo are hollow tubes this makes it very strong, light and flexible. Its tensile strength that means strength when pulled is similar to that of steel and its strength when squeezed or pressed is greater than concrete.

Some species can grow to be 40 metres or 130ft tall and can grow as much as 1 metre or 35 inches in just one day, this makes it the world's fastest growing plant.


  1. Wow - that is interesting and incredible - thanks.

  2. Thanks for some interesting facts on bamboo.

  3. Hi JoAnne - bamboo is an incredible plant ... but can run riot here. Take care - Hilary

  4. It is an interesting plant. Our floors are made from Bamboo.

  5. Very interesting facts of bamboo as a grass and not a tree. Our locals use bamboo for cooking and many other things. We also cook and eat the shoots of some bamboo species. Have a great day. Take care and stay safe.

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Having lived and worked in Indonesia, we have seen many of its uses and also saw how tall it can grow.
    Interesting is that they even make towels and mats from woven bamboo fibers!

  7. I guess I better go teach Misty about bamboo....

  8. Sandie......Indeed it is

    Rosie........You're welcome

    Margaret D.......Yes it is

    Hilary......I didn't know that

    Diane B.......It has so many uses

    Nancy.....People eat it, wow that is a surprise

    Mariette......It's so versatile

    Chris......You can do that

  9. It seems to be somewhat invasive too. Someone planted a bit in their yard and t took over spilling into the street...the branches I mean.


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