Tuesday, 18 August 2020

IIronwood Trees


Good afternoon all, how is life treating you, I am still staying home doing nothing much at all watching much except the usual. Well it's Tuesday and that means it is plant day and today's plant is the Ironwood. In fact many types of trees are called ironwood because of how heavy their wood is, in fact some are so dense that they are actually heavier then water and sink.

The heaviest of all is thought to be the Australian Buloke, with the heaviest being the black ironwood and the desert ironwood from Central America and the southern United States.

Ironwoods are brilliant at resisting dents and knocks making them perfect for wooden floors and the handles of tools. They can however still be cut with a saw because a saw works by scraping away the wood a tiny bit at a time.

Wood has its own special scale of hardness called the Janka scale. it measures hoe much force is needed to blast a metal ball into the wood.

To give you an idea of the scale, super-soft balsa wood has a rating of 100. Pine wood which is often used for furniture and floorboards has a rating of between 500-600. The Aussie Buloke has a rating of 5060


  1. Wow - that is a hard wood - and I bet very expensive.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, we do know and have such a HEAVY piece of iron wood in a statue: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2013/03/our-balinese-hanuman-statues-with-snake.html
    People have no idea HOW heavy that is!

  3. I didn't know any of that.


  4. I love the trees. I'm a tree hugger from way back. I googled to see if we have any Ironwood trees here in California and we have: the Santa Cruz Island Ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. aspleniifolius)

    They can grow up to 50Ft in height.

    I've never seen one, or even heard of an IRONWOOD tree before. Thanks for the education!

  5. i can' t say it better than Katie, especially with Misty on my lap...

  6. The rating numbers don't mean anything until you can put them into perspective, which you did. That's amazing.

  7. Katie......Agreed

    Margaret D......Yepit is

    Sandie.....I reckon so

    Mariette......Wow, I also haven't heard of it

    Janie......More trivia to store in your brain

    Chris.....Hello Misty

    Katie......I GET THAT

  8. Hi Jo-Anne - trees are amazing aren't they ... and I love knowing about the density of each wood ... and what use each is to man - the Ironwood is one majestic tree - stay safe - hilary


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