Sunday, 16 August 2020

Another week that was


I got up at 7.20am and got dressed with some help from Leo getting my socks on.

Tim is at work and Jess will get Leo around 11.30am

Kelli picked up Leo just after 11 and Jess turned up with Leo around 12.30. I had to give her some Catapress for Leo for the week

Leo is staying the night he asked and I said yes.

Mum was ok didn't talk f or long as her pizza was there, I would not pay $40 for pizza but since it's what Dawson wants so they get it.

Monday morning cold and wet got dressed in the bathroom with the heater on.

Leo up at 7.10 am when his Papa went in to say bye before he left for work. I always have trouble waking him Tim goes in says he is leaving for work and Leo is up and hugging him goodbye. Papa isn't allowed to leave before giving Leo a hug.

It has rained on and off all day I went up to meet Leo only to have to leave before he arrived as it started to rain again and Tasha had to go get him.

Dr Murray finally rang Jess I hope to hear more tomorrow about the call

I woke with the alarm again, turned the heater on in the bedroom while I opened the house and had my morning visit to the loo followed by my wash. I then got dressed in the bedroom. Tasha arrived while I was getting dressed.

I tossed a load of washing into the machine

At 2ish Tasha had to take Blain to hospital as the pain in his gut got so bad and she is worried it may be appendicitis.

At 4ish Tasha rang and told Jess that her and Jade sign the new leases on Thursday at 2pm. She is so very happy.

Leo is of course here tonight.

Up with my alarm as per usual found Tim already up, opened the front door so Tasha would know I was up. She turned up as I was getting dressed and helped me dress.

At 10.30 I go in to clean the bath after I sprayed it with cleaner and my left knee gave out and I fell trying to get the shower hose down to use.

I had my mobile hanging around my neck and straight away rang Tasha but she wasn't home. She was at Jessica's but she rang Blain to check on me and he didn't answer his phone.

Jessica & Jade have started packing and moving stuff.

Seems Leo is here for the night but no one told me.

Another day here going to be a warmer day thankfully top of 22 degrees.

Jess & Jade sign the leases this afternoon.

Saw Kelli, Vaughan and Freya while she was dropping off stuff from Jess house. Work lent her a van with a lift making it easier to move stuff.

I found out that Leo is here till the move is done and dusted.

Been a really warm day temp at 22 degrees

Tim came home after his morning shift and helped move stuff and he took a trailer load to the tip, before he returned to work this afternoon.

Friday at last, I woke when Tim got up but stayed in bed till 6am , I was getting dressed when Tasha turned up.

No banana bread this morning so made choc chip pikelets

I had a couple of boiled eggs for brunch.

This afternoon it rained and I was unable to go and meet Leo, however, Jade went and met him for me.

Jessica helped me get ready for bed.

Had a sleep in till 8am, however at 3am I got up to pee and felt really nauseous so bad that I went to the laundry and got an empty 2lt ice cream tub to have next to the bed just in case.

Since being up I have felt ok not great just ok.

Kathy & the girls came over and she gave me a shower after that I was attempting to make pikelets for breakfast and I was struggling so called for help and by the third call I started to sound whinny which made Kathy speak in a condescending tone which upset me more.

Inside my house it's crowded and messy with Jess stuff,d the floor needs vacuuming

I ordered pizza but first I asked Tash, Jess & Leo if the wanted any, they didn't.

I tried to help move stuff from mine to Jess using the scooter and I ran over Jess hurting her legs/feet. I naturally felt awful


  1. What a busy week you have had. Hope you are all well.

  2. My first instinct is to make a joke about the scooter, but an injury isn't a laughing matter. Hope she's okay.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Okay, had to look up what pikelets are and now know they are small crumpets or pancakes.
    You kind of stumbled through this week; literally.
    Hope all is more orderly for this week.
    You don't need any more anxiety.

  4. Rosie.....Just another week for me

    Chris.....I laughed but no no funny at all

    Mariette.....Yeah they are little pancakes we add surgar to the mixture so they are sweeter.

  5. Leo takes a blood pressure medicine? I know of one called Catapress...


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