Sunday 14 July 2024

Week 28 of 2024


So, it’s Sunday and I had a mostly good night, I was restless around 1.30am but got up took something for it and when I went back to bed, I settled no problem.

The temp is 8 degrees and my BGL is 5.2

Tim thought he was working tonight but when he got into work, he realised he isn’t working tonight, as it turned out the part about tonight was because last night’s job didn’t finish until 1am.

I washed the sheets and tossed them in the dryer, it has been a cold day but cold enough for the heater.

Steps 2,397

Had a rough night up and down every 45 minutes to the toilet, very frustrating, I ended up getting out of bed by 4.50am.

It is a pleasant 13 degrees my BGL is 5.8. this morning, I am going with Sam and Jess to the doctors, Sam has an appointment, I’m so pleased Jess asked me to go with them.

Sam’s Dr’s appointment went well he saw the same Dr Tim and I see. Sam must have blood tests done.

Jess bought me a new cardigan purple in colour, and I like, it will replace my old pick cardigan.

I had my left knee give way on me and the knee has been hurting since.

Tim had an appointment at the hospital he is now on the waiting list for two procedures which will be done under a general. 

Tim at last fitted and set up the doorbell camera for out the back and he also set up Jessica’s doorbell camera at her front door. 

Steps, 2,499

Had a good night, woke with the alarm was going to have a shower but the floor towels were wet so I think I will have it this arvo or tomorrow morning. My BGL is 4.4

I have both girls for the day and again tomorrow, I made them toasted cheese sanga each for lunch.

Summer helped me mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors and Sydney cleaned the sliding doors and the mirror in the bathroom. She also vacuumed the kitchen floor before Summer washed it.

I have felt drained all day but still managed to do 2,691 steps.

Slept al night, I woke to pee and discovered it was 4.40am so I stayed up. It is 7 degrees this morning my BGL is 5.5.

I have an appointment with the Dr’s tomorrow I thought Tasha was taking me, but she can’t, so Tim said he would drop me off and Tasha said she would pick me up.

Jessica discovered how to get my phone to play YouTube on my TV this is great.

Tim just discovered he must start earlier than originally told, so now he can’t take me. I have sent Sue a text but no reply, I have also sent a text to Sandy to see if she can help. Sandy said she will take me to the doctors and Sue should be picking me up.

Steps 2,399

Sandra forgot about me this morning till I sent her a message about forgetting me, thankfully she only lives 5 minutes away.

My diabetes is well control and no changes needed; he is also pleased by how many steps I am doing a day.

Sue came out and picked me up and we went to the post office before coming home. I helped Sue post off a package to Kirsty, by pointing out that if she a pre-paid bag it might cost less, I went and asked the lady behind the counter and I was right it was cheaper. I also found a book I will put with Tasha’s Christmas present that I think she will like.

It is 5 degrees and my BGL is 5.0

Tim got home at 1.15pm          

Steps 2,305

Had a good night, woke three times to pee but settled again ok. It is 6 degrees and my BGL is 5.2.

Tim is working today he is also working tomorrow. So I asked Tasha if she would be able to take me to the shops, she said she would.

It warmed up today so much that I had to change my clothes.

I cleaned out under the kitchen sink took a while and left me exhausted.

I also managed to go check the letter box.

I asked Sue if she would be able to take me to the podiatrist on Wednesday as I don’t know if Tim will be off or at work.

Steps 2,808

Had a rough spot last night around 8.30pm I had been asleep woke for whatever reason and the top half of my body started moving, however after I took my 9pm tablet and sat and a chat to Tim for a bit I settled ok when I returned to bed, sleeping well waking to pee twice and straight back to sleep.

It was 12 degrees when I got up, my BGL was 5.2 and life is good.

Tasha took me shopping and I asked her to drop some letters into the post box for me, she said she would.

I was surprised when Tim walked in the door at 4.50pm. He had a long break before picking up and dropping off people again, he did a charter. So, he decided to come home and have something to eat.

Steps 2,106






  1. A really good week, God is good.

  2. Sounds like it was a really good week! That is awesome! I like hearing that you've been able to go out and about shopping again lately. :)

    1. Thanks, I like that I am able to do it, there was a time there I thought I would never be able to do it again

  3. It sounds like you've had an eventful week! It's great to hear that your BGL is well-controlled and that you're managing to keep up with your daily steps despite feeling drained at times. It’s also wonderful that you have such a supportive family and friends to help you out with appointments and tasks. I hope your knee feels better soon, and that Tim’s upcoming procedures go smoothly. Keep up the good work with your steps and take care!

    1. I have always loved walking and 10 years ago I would do between 13,000 and 15,000 steps a day as I use to go for long walks each day, I just can't manage that anymore. Yes I am blessed with a loving and support family

  4. Sounds like you had a nice week - take them when they come - right?

    1. That's for sure as nice weeks are not every week

  5. A busy but good week for you! Blessings, Jo-Anne, and keep those steps up!

    1. Thank you and I intend to keep with things hoping to increase my steps a bit

  6. Yes BGL is blood glucose level and normal should be between 4.0 and 5.0 of a morning going up to between 8.0 and 10.0 after a meal.



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...