Tuesday 9 July 2024

Big Cats


Hello everyone, it is Tuesday, and I found another book about spiders, snakes, sharks, big cats and dinosaurs and I will kick it off with a bit about big cats.

As I am sure everyone knows domestic cats and related to the big cats as they are all part of the Felidae family.  

Most cats have a similar skeleton, with rounded heads and a body structure that allows them to move swiftly and silently. Their backbone is very different to a human, we have rigid spine, but a cat has a flexible one which allows them to curl into a ball.

Cats are hunters who love meat, domestic cats hunt for small creatures like mice while the bigger cats stalk their prey in the wild, unless they are in a zoo.

Big cats are found all over the world except for Antarctica and Australia. Sadly, some of these big cats are facing extinction, such as the Bornean Bay Cat, The Clouded Leopard, African Lion, Tiger to name a few.

Big cats have large eyes, excellent hearing, sharp teeth and strong limbs with sharp claws. These characterises are what make them good hunters.

They also have long tails in their tails are 10 per cent of their bones and their tail is used to maintain balance. Cats have 230 bones humans have 206.

They have a life span of anywhere between 8yrs and 20yrs.


  1. Love big cats! Never forget the day at Black Pines ( a local exotic animal retirement home), when the big male lion roared. Half the guests went running towards his enclosure, the other half took off from it!

  2. I like domesticated cats but for some weird reason I'm not that interested in larger cats and wouldn't bother to go see them, whereas so many would give anything to see them in the wild.

    1. I like the big cats but wouldn't go out of my way to see any

  3. Wow, this is a great post about big cats! I always find it fascinating how similar domestic cats are to their wild cousins, even with the size difference.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 06 - Beamish Museum)

    1. Yeah I can understand that, they are similar in many ways except a domestic cat is unlikely to eat you alive

  4. It's amazing when you think about all the critters that roam the earth. I think I love the cats the most.

    1. That's so cool, I have never been a cat person but that is changing as I age

  5. I didn't know that the long tails of big cats help them maintain balance, Jo-Anne. Great fact!

    1. I didn't know that either, it made me think of kangaroos

  6. Yup. Love big and small cats...up on the big cats through the years. It's a rotten shame crappy no-good and useless people go in for trophy hunting and kill all the animals for their own pleasure. They should get what they deal out.

    1. Trophy hunting wild animals is a disgusting habit that I do not approve of

  7. Well, I never thought about the cats being related - yes, the small cats try to catch mice and the bigger ones, animals. Very interesting.

    1. To be honest I have never given big cats or little cats much thought till now

  8. I wish I had a flexible spine. Thank you for this interesting post. Glad you found another book.

    1. It would make us different if we had a flexible spine

  9. I see a big cat inside my domestic cat all the time. They clearly are cousins; only smaller.


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