Saturday, 20 July 2024

New Post

 You will find a new post here:


  1. I'm in the process of switching my blog from Blogger to WordPress. I've already transferred my domain and am currently waiting for the transfer to be completed, which could take up to 48 hours. Once that's done, I'll need to familiarize myself with WordPress and start building my blog from scratch. Blogger made a complete mess - and its too frustrating for me to figure out. I'm just done with BLOGGER. Grrrr.
    Anyway I hope you will follow me over there because I remember you do have a wordpress blog - so I'll let you know.


    1. When your WordPress blog is up and running just let me know the link and I will be there

  2. Although I hate hearing that you have such horrible nights, it seems that you're having more good nights than bad. I hope that continues.


New post at Radom Stuff

You can find a new  post here: