Friday, 5 July 2024

Parkinson's and speech


Hello everyone, I have a headache seem to be getting a few of them recently, oh well. This week let’s look a bit at speech problems and Parkinson’s Disease.

Those with PD may find their speech becoming weak and soft, Tim often says I am speaking so soft he has trouble hearing me, of course I do not notice any difference in my speech volume.

Also, some people thankfully not me may find themselves talking to fast so that their words tumble out on top of each other, or they may repeat a word involuntarily a number of times this is known as palilalia. Dribbling also makes speech difficult.

In order to help improve these issues the PD suffer must be fully aware of what is going on and maybe should use a recorder to record their voice and listen to it.

They can read aloud trying to increase the volume of their speech, singing along to a favourite song can be fun way of using your voice and increasing volume.

If speech problems become severe, they may want to see a speech therapist.

There are devices that can help a person speak like a speech amplifier to increase the volume. It is possible for someone with severe PD to lose the ability to speak all together this would suck and these people have to write things down.


  1. Praying you have a good day Joanne.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I have more good days then bad lately

  2. I didn't know that was part of Parkinson's. Singing sounds like something that would give anyone a reason to be louder and would be good practice and make you feel better. Sing happy songs! :)

    1. I don't sound good when I sing but when I am home alone that doesn't stop me

  3. Singing does sound like a huge help in fighting the problem of soft speech. Thanks, Jo-Anne, for all this info that you share about PD. Blessings!

    1. You're welcome Martha I can see how singing would help even if one sounds like a dying cow when singing

  4. Wow there are so many symptoms I had no idea.

  5. That's said to hear but those are some excellent suggestions to help with their speech.

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah, I send voice text messages a lot as it is easier then trying to type out a message at times and I have played them back and I don't sound that soft to my ears

  7. I just keep hoping that science continues to move forward in the quest to irradicate this disease.


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