Wednesday 31 October 2018

Limited Driving and Feeling Down

Hello everyone, here I am writing a post when I would normally be at the school getting Leo but after a trip to the neurologist this morning Tim & Tasha have decided that I should no longer be driving of an afternoon when I am tired.

In fact it was the neurologist who said he didn't think I should be driving, period. This is because he feels my reaction time is poor as well as my concentration and since I have had a number of minor accidents this year I really shouldn't be driving.

I know I don't have the confidence driving that I use to have and I know things are worse in the afternoon due to being so tired. So maybe I shouldn't be driving, Natasha said she things I should drive Leo to school but not get him in the afternoon. It just feels strange and I feel like I am letting Jessica down.

The appointment this morning was about the CT scan I had at the start of the year that showed a possible cyst on the brain. However, the neurologist said he thought the scan was normal but has referred me for a more detailed MRI, I will get an appointment in the mail for that.

While I was there I got the stabbing pains in the head and he said he would like my GP to change some of my medication to try and prevent them happening and he sent me for a blood test, the results will be sent to my GP.

Since getting home I have felt down and like crying, maybe tomorrow I will feel better.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Gross Facts No:4 Deadly Diseases

Hello everyone and welcome to gross Tuesday this weeks facts are about deadly diseases but first this morning I had to get Tasha to drive Leo to school this annoyed Leo as he doesn't like anyone else to drive him to school. I went to my parents place to go with mum to her physio appointment but mum had the appointment time wrong she told me it was 9am but it turned out to be 10.30am. Mum had to cancel as there was no one able to stay with dad at that time and he can't be left alone as he has a high risk of falling.

Now for the facts..........

The Black Death killed more than 25 million people across Europe, which was 1/3rd of the population at the time
More than 220 million people around the world suffer from malaria each year

There can be as many as 5 billion viruses in one drop of blood

The plague germ was spread by rat fleas, it was called Yersinia pestis

On average one person catches tuberculosis every 3.6 seconds

Smallpox killed 30% of the people who caught it

Monday 29 October 2018

Did you know No:27

Here we are at another Monday the last Monday of the month, this morning Tim & I went to see the GP he referred me to see a specialist about my knee and has referred me to the sleep clinic about my sleep apnoea because I am so tired all the time now days and it has been years since I have had it checked. By years I mean around 10yrs.

Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts

There was a time when most lipstick contained fish scales

The first personal computer went on sale in 1977 , it was an Apple 11

A calorie is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Centigrade............Really I thought it had something to do with food

The opposite sides of a dice always add up to seven

47 elephants and dancing bears survived the sinking of the Titanic and got jobs in New York afterwards.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Friendship Thursday Poem

Hello everyone, yesterday I had bugga all motivation to blog, yes I read a dozen or so blogs but really didn't feel like doing much . Anyway here is this Thursdays friendship poem.

Oh the comfort-the
Inexpressible comfort of
Feeling safe with a person.
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words, but
Pouring them
All  right out, just as
They are-
Chaff and grain together-
Certain that a faithful
Hand will
Take and sift them,
Keep what is worth
And with the breath of
Blow the rest away.

By: Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Rehab appointment

Hello everyone, didn't get around to reading blogs today as this morning I went with mum to an appointment over at the Rankin Park Centre for rehabilitation to help her walk better I had to be at her place around 8am as the taxi was picking us up at 8.30am.

I told Leo that Tasha was taking him to school as I was leaving and he asked how long before they would live I said half an hour and he replied by throwing his arms in the air and say 30 minutes I have to be here for 30 minutes.

Anyway the taxi was half an hour late so we were late getting to the hospital this meant that as soon as we arrived we were rushed in to the physio appointment. The taxi driver was a bit rude when he picked us up as well, complaining that the brakes on mum's wheelchair didn't work, as it turned out the wheels needed pumping up. So I hope my brother does that before next Tuesday's appointment.

It is a pretty hot day here today, hot enough for shorts but going to be cool again tomorrow.

Monday 22 October 2018

Dad's 76th

Hello everyone here we are at the start of another week the day is much cooler then say Saturday was that was a hot day, hot enough for me to wear shorts at the part we had for my dad's 76th birthday.

It was a great day and there was a good turn out at the party all of my girls turned up and two of my grandchildren Leo & Summer, Sydney-May was with her father and Blain was at his dad's. I had hoped my niece Kelli would turn up with her children and she could have brought Blain but sadly that didn't happened. I really didn't expect her to turn up as Sue's children never turn up to family events.

What was really good for dad was his brother Richard who dad hadn't seen since maybe 1989 turned up with his daughter and 2 of his grandchildren this made dad really happy and Richard's daughter told Sandy on Saturday night that her dad talked all the way home about the day.

Saturday morning dad wasn't well and my brother thought about cancelling the party but his sisters convinced him that it would be a bad idea as this may be dads last birthday and the last chance for the extended family to see him.

We naturally hope we are wrong and he will be around for Christmas but we have been told by the doctor that they may not be the case. Generally we are taking it one day at a time.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Friendship Thursday No:3

What a morning, I spent ages ordering some personalised gifts from Mrs Claus for Christmas still have more to do.

It is a hot day here in Newie and my left arm is aching so much and of course both hands are shaking making doing stuff difficult.

Anyway it is what I call Friendship Thursday so here is this weeks offering

My heart is content with just knowing
Fulfilment that true friendship brings
It fills to the brim, overflowing
With pleasure in life's little things

By: June Masters Bacher

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Indestructible Creatures/Mudskipper

Here we are at another Wednesday and with that comes another indestructible creature this week it the Mudskipper have you heard it?

The Mudskipper have gills and can breathe underwater but when they go ashore they take a supply of water to breathe from stored in pouches in their necks. They can also take in oxygen through their skin as long as its damp.

The Mudskipper live on muddy shorelines where they can hop in and out of the water whenever they like.

Up close a Mudskipper is one weird looking fish with two bulging eyes on top of their heads, they can rotate each eye separately and look in all directions. While swimming they stick their eyes out of the water like a periscope to look around.

Mudskippers are good swimmers but they move even faster on mum, their two front fins are like little legs that they use to hop and climb up rocks and even trees. They use their strong tails to flick themselves forward.

While on land they hunt for crabs and insects, the males also fight each other over territory and do mating dances to attract a female.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Gross Facts/Burping

Well last night not long before I went to bed when I went to the toilet I lost my balance and has a tumble hitting my arm and head on the bathroom sink but I wasn't hurt just had a sore wrist and a bit of a headache. This cause my daughters to worry about me in hindsight I shouldn't have told them.

Anyway here are this weeks gross facts, today they are about burping

Swallowing air as you eat and drink can make up burp

Burping gets rid of a litre of gas from your stomach each day

Drinking through a straw can make your burp because you swallow more air

In the zero gravity of space astronauts wet burp because some of their stomach contents come out

The loudest burp ever recorded was as loud as a car alarm

Monday 15 October 2018

Did you know No: 26

Hello Monday, it's another cold wet day here, I went to my aqua class after taking Leo to school, yes it is the first day of the 4th school term the last term of the school year and Leo does like the idea of going back to school.

Yesterday was my baby sister's birthday she is now 41, when she was a baby I used to take her into my room to listen to music with me and I would lay her next to me and read to her.

Anyway here is this weeks five did you know facts.

The world's tallest mountains,the Himalayas are also the fastest growing, they grow about half an inch a year, this is caused by the pressure exerted by two of the Earth's continental plates pushing against one another.

A person afflicted with hexadectylism has six fingers or six toes on one or both hands or feet.

Rhythms is the longest English word without any vowel,

In the middle ages young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their Valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeve for one week. It is believed that this is how the saying “to wear your heart on your sleeve” comes from

It was the Frisbie Pie Company of Bridgeport Connecticut whose name and lightweight pie tins gave birth to the modern Frisbee.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Mum's Rehabilitation Appointment

I was busy as all shit yesterday, first thing in the morning I went with mum to an appointment over at Rankin Park Centre Day Hospital for a rehabilitation appointment.

This first appointment was with a nurse who checked mum's blood pressure and weight and went through a questionnaire with her before sending her down to have a chat with the physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist had mum walk about 50 metres first with a four wheeled walker like mum uses at home, then he checked her posture and had her stand without holding onto stuff. He then had her walked again with just a cane/walking stick, that took too much out of her and caused her a lot of pain in her lower back.

My sister Sandra & brother David have been trying to get mum to use her cane instead of using the walker. However, yesterday the physiotherapist told mum to use the walker not the cane, he said she shouldn't walk more then 2 metres with the cane. He also said he thinks family members think if their loved one is using a cane they are not as old, frail or disabled as they really are.

The rehabilitation centre arranged for a taxi to pick mum up and take her to the appointment and take her home after the appointment. We took mum's wheelchair so she didn't have to try and walk but on the trip to the hospital he had to put the wheelchair in the back seat. Thankfully they booked a wheelchair taxi for the return trip home.
All this took around 3hrs, after I got home and had lunch I had too drive Jessica home, then Tim turned up he is doing split shifts all week.

Because the weather was horrible with serious heavy downpours during the day I decided to cancel my physio appointment for the afternoon so he could take the car back to work instead of the bike.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Disgusting Facts No: 3

Hello everyone, well last night I started a Facebook bitch fight, this wasn't intentional but it happened. I said that I told my mum that while at her house tomorrow I would change the sheets on- Dawson's bed for her. I also stated that I know he is 19 and should be able too change his own sheets but not many teenage boys do things like that.

Well the comments took on a life of their own, people were saying he should change his own sheets and not guilt an Aunty into doing it, I was in no way guilted into offering and nor was I trying to guilt anyone else into doing it. I just understand how my mum was feeling and offered.

Why did I post it on Facebook?

Just to share trivial information about my life.

Now for this weeks gross facts, about poo........

Your poo smells because of stinky chemicals called skatole & indole

People fart on average 14 times a day

1/3 of your poo is made of bacteria

Cabbage contains stinky sulphur which gives you smelly farts

Corn passes straight through you and comes out looking exactly the same, this is because you cannot digest its tough fibrous kernels

Monday 8 October 2018

Did you know No:25

Here we are at another Monday, when the alarm went off this morning I didn't feel like getting up so stayed in bed for another hour before getting up and reading some blogs while watching Sunrise before going to my aqua class.

After the aqua class I came home changed and went to the podiatrist, although when I pulled in the driveway I noticed Tim's motorbike was still in the carport and I thought he should have already left for work. When I get inside the house he isn't here, but I had no time to wonder what happened I had to get to the podiatrist.

It wasn't till I got home from the podiatrist that I discovered that the bike wouldn't start so he took Natasha's car to work. Natasha just came and borrowed our car to go to the shops.

Now till this weeks did you know facts.

Most gold has some copper mixed into it, if it didn't it would be so soft you could change the shape of coins and jewellery with your bare hands.

There is no known case of a vegetarian dying of a snake bite in America

People with blue eyes see better in the dark

Water grows 9% as it freezes

The wettest spot in the world is located on the Island of Kauai, Mount Waialeale consistently records rainfall at the rate of nearly 500 inches per year.

Saturday 6 October 2018

Just another Saturday

Well here we are late on Saturday afternoon, I had an afternoon nap and just folded up the laundry and put it away, Tim insisted on throwing the clothes in the dryer instead of me hanging it on the clothes hoists.

It has been another wet day here in Newie although the ground is drying now, it rained all day yesterday and most of today. We need the rain as we have been in drought for a while now.

Daylight savings start tomorrow, I don't have a problem with daylight savings, it just drags on for too long, I don't know why it has to last for so long.

Leo has been here all day and as per usual we hardly know he is here is so well behaved, speaking of Leo he likes that I have a number of his drawings taped up on the walls. Of course I have a lot of photos on the walls. His mother has none on her walls, photos or drawings.

I feel the photos and drawings add to the house more of a home then a house. I had a couple of aunts who houses didn't have the home feeling they didn't have photos hanging around their houses. They had a few photos placed around the house but I have photos all around the house, in most rooms of the house.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Friendship Thursday

Here we are at 3pm on Thursday afternoon so here is this weeks friendship poem or quote.

Life is so full of meaning and purpose
So full of beauty, beneath its covering
That earth but cloaks your heaven

By, Fra Giovanni

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Indestructible Creatures/Lungfish

Good afternoon everyone on this cool Wednesday afternoon, my Wednesday morning slipped away from me. I was up early enough at 6am read and commented on many blogs before going to my aqua class, after the class I came home got changed and went to get a fresh loaf of bread. I then came home and ate before going to feed Jessica's bunnies. As I had a headache I went and had a nap at 1.30pm.

I am going to do a few more indestructible creatures posts, why, well because I can or why not I ask.

Today I am talking about a Lungfish, have you heard of it, I had not.

Anyway a Lungfish has lungs and that means it can breathe air, some have gills as well, which they use to breathe underwater. Others only breathe air so they have to pop up to the surface to take a gulp every so often.

Of all fish the lungfish are the most closely related to humans an other land animals, as well as lungs the have strange, leg like fins that they can use to crawl around on.

Breathing air helps these fish to survive a drought, but some of them can drown underwater, now that is weird.

Lungfish mostly live in rivers and swamps that dry up at certain times of the year, to prepare for the dry season, a lungfish digs itself a burrow at the bottom of a river or pond, and covers itself in slimy mucus. This stops it from drying out, by breathing air and slowing its body down so that it doesn't need food, this means it can survive for months until the rains return and the river fills up.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Disgusting Facts No 2

Well it is Tuesday now Jessica and Leo will be in Casino now and I have been trusted with feeding the bunnies while they are gone.

Anyway here is this weeks gross & disgusting facts about saliva which sounds better then spit.

Your mouth produces between 1 & 2 litres of saliva a day

Your saliva turns your food into a soup like mixture which makes it easier to swallow

In some parts of the world it is thought that a mother's saliva can help build a child's immune system, so mums chew their baby's food before feeding it to them.

A single cow makes as much saliva as 200 humans

Llamas spit when they get annoyed, their spit is super smelly because it includes food from their stomach.

Spitting cobras spit painful venom straight into the eyes of predators and then slither away to safety.

Monday 1 October 2018

Did you know No:24

Good morning everyone, going to be another coolish day here in Newie. I ended up having Leo spend the night here last night, Jessica turned up at 7.15pm to pick up some medication for Leo and the silly girl hadn't medicated Leo at all yesterday and he was really hyper and running amuck which caused her to snap at him. So he wanted to stay with nanna for the night, this afternoon I am taking them to the train station, they are going to visit a friend in Casino and will be back at 4am Friday morning, Natasha will pick them up from the station on Friday morning.

A month or so back Jessica made a new friend a young woman who has a son around Leo's age who Leo gets along with like a house on fire which is great. This boy has similar problems to Leo so it is nice for Jessica to have a friend who understands what it is like to have a child who needs to be medicated.

Anyway here is this weeks five did you know facts.

On average people can hold their breath for one minute, the world record is seven-and-a-half minutes.

The human head contains 22 bones.

In the U S A, murder is committed most frequently in August.

Half the world's population is under 25 years of age.

Teenagers catch colds twice as often as people over the age of 50


  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...