Thursday, 11 October 2018

Mum's Rehabilitation Appointment

I was busy as all shit yesterday, first thing in the morning I went with mum to an appointment over at Rankin Park Centre Day Hospital for a rehabilitation appointment.

This first appointment was with a nurse who checked mum's blood pressure and weight and went through a questionnaire with her before sending her down to have a chat with the physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist had mum walk about 50 metres first with a four wheeled walker like mum uses at home, then he checked her posture and had her stand without holding onto stuff. He then had her walked again with just a cane/walking stick, that took too much out of her and caused her a lot of pain in her lower back.

My sister Sandra & brother David have been trying to get mum to use her cane instead of using the walker. However, yesterday the physiotherapist told mum to use the walker not the cane, he said she shouldn't walk more then 2 metres with the cane. He also said he thinks family members think if their loved one is using a cane they are not as old, frail or disabled as they really are.

The rehabilitation centre arranged for a taxi to pick mum up and take her to the appointment and take her home after the appointment. We took mum's wheelchair so she didn't have to try and walk but on the trip to the hospital he had to put the wheelchair in the back seat. Thankfully they booked a wheelchair taxi for the return trip home.
All this took around 3hrs, after I got home and had lunch I had too drive Jessica home, then Tim turned up he is doing split shifts all week.

Because the weather was horrible with serious heavy downpours during the day I decided to cancel my physio appointment for the afternoon so he could take the car back to work instead of the bike.


  1. Sounds like your mom is getting some much needed care there.

  2. Busy Busy life. You are in a sandwich between caring for your mum and your grandchildren.

  3. She has to do what is right for her and not what other people want. :)
    Busy day!!

  4. Chatty.........Yes the visit went well

    Diane..........Yes it often feels like that

    Rita...........Yes that is so true

  5. Sounds like your mom is making progress, I'm so glad to hear it.
    We've had days and days of rain here. I feel bad for my younger son, he walks to work and home.

  6. I like learning about your parents as I have been concerned about them since you told us what they had been going through.

  7. Karen.........Yes she is walking much better

    Katie.........Mum is doing better and dad is holding his own


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