Thursday, 25 October 2018

Friendship Thursday Poem

Hello everyone, yesterday I had bugga all motivation to blog, yes I read a dozen or so blogs but really didn't feel like doing much . Anyway here is this Thursdays friendship poem.

Oh the comfort-the
Inexpressible comfort of
Feeling safe with a person.
Having neither to weigh thoughts,
Nor measure words, but
Pouring them
All  right out, just as
They are-
Chaff and grain together-
Certain that a faithful
Hand will
Take and sift them,
Keep what is worth
And with the breath of
Blow the rest away.

By: Dinah Maria Mulock Craik


  1. That is the best offering regarding friendship I have seen so far!

  2. Yes, having a close friend like that is a treasure! :)

  3. Good friends are precious gems.

  4. Ramblington.......Pleased you liked it


    Rita.............So true

    Nancy............That they are

    Rick.............Thank you


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