Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Limited Driving and Feeling Down

Hello everyone, here I am writing a post when I would normally be at the school getting Leo but after a trip to the neurologist this morning Tim & Tasha have decided that I should no longer be driving of an afternoon when I am tired.

In fact it was the neurologist who said he didn't think I should be driving, period. This is because he feels my reaction time is poor as well as my concentration and since I have had a number of minor accidents this year I really shouldn't be driving.

I know I don't have the confidence driving that I use to have and I know things are worse in the afternoon due to being so tired. So maybe I shouldn't be driving, Natasha said she things I should drive Leo to school but not get him in the afternoon. It just feels strange and I feel like I am letting Jessica down.

The appointment this morning was about the CT scan I had at the start of the year that showed a possible cyst on the brain. However, the neurologist said he thought the scan was normal but has referred me for a more detailed MRI, I will get an appointment in the mail for that.

While I was there I got the stabbing pains in the head and he said he would like my GP to change some of my medication to try and prevent them happening and he sent me for a blood test, the results will be sent to my GP.

Since getting home I have felt down and like crying, maybe tomorrow I will feel better.


  1. Hi Jo-Anne, thank you for dropping by to say hi. It is alright to take a rest whenever you are tired. You need not have to feel bad or that you are letting Jessica down when you are not able to drive in the afternoon. It is only temporary until you are feeling better. Pray that the medical staff will do whatever is necessary to make you feel better concerning the cyst in the brain. You have been through so much and it is okay to cry to release whatever emotion that you are going through. You will feel much better after a good cry, that is what I experienced. You are special and you will be well soon. May God peace be with you. Shalom.

  2. Do hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.
    Wise not to drive if you are tired in the afternoon.
    Good luck Jo-Anne.

  3. Since I would just be repeating what I said on FB, just remember God loves you...

  4. That is too bad. Hope they can fix you up. Sending good thoughts.

  5. Nancy......Thank you my friend your kind words have helped, Leo was so good giving me big hugs and telling me I am not letting anyone down

    Margaret.....Yeah I am not as down today

    Chris.......Thank you, life is good I am not dead

    Marg........Me too, I am taking it one day at a time


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