Monday, 22 October 2018

Dad's 76th

Hello everyone here we are at the start of another week the day is much cooler then say Saturday was that was a hot day, hot enough for me to wear shorts at the part we had for my dad's 76th birthday.

It was a great day and there was a good turn out at the party all of my girls turned up and two of my grandchildren Leo & Summer, Sydney-May was with her father and Blain was at his dad's. I had hoped my niece Kelli would turn up with her children and she could have brought Blain but sadly that didn't happened. I really didn't expect her to turn up as Sue's children never turn up to family events.

What was really good for dad was his brother Richard who dad hadn't seen since maybe 1989 turned up with his daughter and 2 of his grandchildren this made dad really happy and Richard's daughter told Sandy on Saturday night that her dad talked all the way home about the day.

Saturday morning dad wasn't well and my brother thought about cancelling the party but his sisters convinced him that it would be a bad idea as this may be dads last birthday and the last chance for the extended family to see him.

We naturally hope we are wrong and he will be around for Christmas but we have been told by the doctor that they may not be the case. Generally we are taking it one day at a time.


  1. That's crazy that he hadn't seen his brother in 30 years

  2. What a nice, big family celebration! Happy birthday to your dad. :)

  3. Hi Joanne - so glad you were able to be there with the family and to give your father a lovely birthday ... take care and all the very best - lovely photos - cheers Hilary

  4. PTM........Yeah I know

    Rita.......Thanks it was a good day and dad had a great time

    Hilary......It was a good day and everyone good time as far as I know

  5. Happy belated birthday to your dad! Happy family gathering! Have a great day!


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