Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Rehab appointment

Hello everyone, didn't get around to reading blogs today as this morning I went with mum to an appointment over at the Rankin Park Centre for rehabilitation to help her walk better I had to be at her place around 8am as the taxi was picking us up at 8.30am.

I told Leo that Tasha was taking him to school as I was leaving and he asked how long before they would live I said half an hour and he replied by throwing his arms in the air and say 30 minutes I have to be here for 30 minutes.

Anyway the taxi was half an hour late so we were late getting to the hospital this meant that as soon as we arrived we were rushed in to the physio appointment. The taxi driver was a bit rude when he picked us up as well, complaining that the brakes on mum's wheelchair didn't work, as it turned out the wheels needed pumping up. So I hope my brother does that before next Tuesday's appointment.

It is a pretty hot day here today, hot enough for shorts but going to be cool again tomorrow.


  1. Hope the rehab appointment went well and your brother remember to pump up the wheels. Have a happy day!

  2. I'm glad you went with your mom so she \.didn't have to go alone,

  3. Sounds like your taxi service is much like your medical set-up there... That sounded bad. I doubt it's much different here, Thanking God I've never needed a taxi!

  4. Hope the rehab helped after all that.

  5. Nancy.........Dave has pumped up the tyres, the appointment went well

    Karen.........I like to go with mum to these appointment

    Chris.........Generally the taxi service is ok, it turned out that it was the hospital that stuffed up when they booked it

    Chatty.........It does help


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