Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Disgusting Facts No 2

Well it is Tuesday now Jessica and Leo will be in Casino now and I have been trusted with feeding the bunnies while they are gone.

Anyway here is this weeks gross & disgusting facts about saliva which sounds better then spit.

Your mouth produces between 1 & 2 litres of saliva a day

Your saliva turns your food into a soup like mixture which makes it easier to swallow

In some parts of the world it is thought that a mother's saliva can help build a child's immune system, so mums chew their baby's food before feeding it to them.

A single cow makes as much saliva as 200 humans

Llamas spit when they get annoyed, their spit is super smelly because it includes food from their stomach.

Spitting cobras spit painful venom straight into the eyes of predators and then slither away to safety.


  1. These last ones have been gross and funny! :)

  2. Saliva is important because without saliva, our mouth can go so dry and makes swallowing impossible. I have personally seen grandmothers chewing food and spitting it back into the food and then feed their grandchildren which I do find very, very disgusting. I wouldn't want to be spit on by an Llamas.

  3. And, your saliva can remove YOUR own blood from clothes...

  4. I can think of a few people I wouldn't mind being able to spit venom at.

  5. I used to have a hound dog. I've never seen anyone who could drool more than that dog.


  6. I swear, all I can say is Ewwwwwww.

  7. Rita........I am glad you saw the funny side

    Nancy.......Yes I found that fact really gross don't think I could chew someone else's food

    Chris........Didn't know that

    Karen........So can I

    Janie........Dogs that drool are gross

    Katie........Yeah thought the same thhing

  8. Interesting info on saliva. :) I didn't know that Alpaca's spit also. Years ago we took one of the grandkiddies to a petting zoo and one of them spit in my grandsons face. It was gross. Have a great weekend

  9. Gossip Girl...........Yeah that sounds gross


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