Thursday, 4 October 2018

Friendship Thursday

Here we are at 3pm on Thursday afternoon so here is this weeks friendship poem or quote.

Life is so full of meaning and purpose
So full of beauty, beneath its covering
That earth but cloaks your heaven

By, Fra Giovanni


  1. Have a Happy Friendship Day too. Hope you get to meet up with your friends to celebrate.

  2. Great quote! We should all try to be friends.

    I read your previous post, too. I didn't know there was such a thing as a lungfish. This is an amazing world we live in.

  3. And I am left scratching my head why my spam filter seemingly at random chose to put the notification on this one in the spam file. Of course it was right next to the confirmation of my account with the local election board, so...

  4. Beautifully put. Happy Friendship Thursday.

  5. Nancy.............Thanks

    Carol.............Thanks, glad you learnt something

    Chatty............Thank you

    Diane............Your welcome

    Rita.............I liked it

    Chris...........How strange



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