Saturday, 6 October 2018

Just another Saturday

Well here we are late on Saturday afternoon, I had an afternoon nap and just folded up the laundry and put it away, Tim insisted on throwing the clothes in the dryer instead of me hanging it on the clothes hoists.

It has been another wet day here in Newie although the ground is drying now, it rained all day yesterday and most of today. We need the rain as we have been in drought for a while now.

Daylight savings start tomorrow, I don't have a problem with daylight savings, it just drags on for too long, I don't know why it has to last for so long.

Leo has been here all day and as per usual we hardly know he is here is so well behaved, speaking of Leo he likes that I have a number of his drawings taped up on the walls. Of course I have a lot of photos on the walls. His mother has none on her walls, photos or drawings.

I feel the photos and drawings add to the house more of a home then a house. I had a couple of aunts who houses didn't have the home feeling they didn't have photos hanging around their houses. They had a few photos placed around the house but I have photos all around the house, in most rooms of the house.


  1. Thats a great idea having drawings and photos of the kids on the wall. Fox's psychologist told Sonya to put photos of him around the house that make her feel happy so when he is being a problem she can calm down by looking at them. Having their drawings up is great for the child's self esteem.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - that's great he's such a good kid ... makes it easier for you. I love the idea of his drawings and art around the house - sounds fun and always entertaining for him - cheers Hilary

  3. Diane......Yes I find having photos of my family around help me feel good, I have a lot of Leo's artwork on the walls

    Hilary......Yes he is a great child, very loving

  4. Raining most of the day here too... but got to see the grandkids again. I can live with that...

  5. What is a clothes hoist? An outside line?

    And you change your clocks tomorrow???

  6. We are currently have lots of rain with sunshine in between. Have a great weekend!

  7. Chris..........Still raining here

    Chatty.........A clothes hoist is a small fold up inside clothes line and yeah the clocks have gone forward an hour

    Nancy...........Not much sunshine here at the moment


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