Monday, 15 October 2018

Did you know No: 26

Hello Monday, it's another cold wet day here, I went to my aqua class after taking Leo to school, yes it is the first day of the 4th school term the last term of the school year and Leo does like the idea of going back to school.

Yesterday was my baby sister's birthday she is now 41, when she was a baby I used to take her into my room to listen to music with me and I would lay her next to me and read to her.

Anyway here is this weeks five did you know facts.

The world's tallest mountains,the Himalayas are also the fastest growing, they grow about half an inch a year, this is caused by the pressure exerted by two of the Earth's continental plates pushing against one another.

A person afflicted with hexadectylism has six fingers or six toes on one or both hands or feet.

Rhythms is the longest English word without any vowel,

In the middle ages young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their Valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeve for one week. It is believed that this is how the saying “to wear your heart on your sleeve” comes from

It was the Frisbie Pie Company of Bridgeport Connecticut whose name and lightweight pie tins gave birth to the modern Frisbee.


  1. Interesting fact about the growing Himalayas. The word hexadectylism is difficult to pronounce. Happy birthday to you baby sister. Have a wonderful new week!

  2. I love this kind of stuff!
    Rhythms is the longest English word without any vowel,

  3. I know I had heard a few of these but would never have remembered all the information--just parts. Like I knew frisbees were derived from a pie tin but not where and which company, for example. And I will probably forget again in short order--LOL! :)

  4. Hmmm... I thought that was a case where "sometimes y is a vowel too", but I guess not...

  5. Nancy.........Yeah I have no idea how to pronounce hexadectylism

    Chatty.........I am pleased you like this stuff

    Rita...........Yeah I had heard about Frisbees and pie tins

    Chris...........Never heard of y being a vowel

  6. I love these odd facts. The Valentine w=one was a lot of fun.


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