Thursday, 18 October 2018

Friendship Thursday No:3

What a morning, I spent ages ordering some personalised gifts from Mrs Claus for Christmas still have more to do.

It is a hot day here in Newie and my left arm is aching so much and of course both hands are shaking making doing stuff difficult.

Anyway it is what I call Friendship Thursday so here is this weeks offering

My heart is content with just knowing
Fulfilment that true friendship brings
It fills to the brim, overflowing
With pleasure in life's little things

By: June Masters Bacher


  1. Friends are treasures. I lost me closest one a few years back and it left a big hole. But I have so many good memories of her--of us. :)

  2. Maintaining friendships is important and healthy for your well being.

  3. I think this is a great idea for a theme. Not that I could pull it off, lol...

  4. Happy friendship day to you too!


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