Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Gross Facts No:4 Deadly Diseases

Hello everyone and welcome to gross Tuesday this weeks facts are about deadly diseases but first this morning I had to get Tasha to drive Leo to school this annoyed Leo as he doesn't like anyone else to drive him to school. I went to my parents place to go with mum to her physio appointment but mum had the appointment time wrong she told me it was 9am but it turned out to be 10.30am. Mum had to cancel as there was no one able to stay with dad at that time and he can't be left alone as he has a high risk of falling.

Now for the facts..........

The Black Death killed more than 25 million people across Europe, which was 1/3rd of the population at the time
More than 220 million people around the world suffer from malaria each year

There can be as many as 5 billion viruses in one drop of blood

The plague germ was spread by rat fleas, it was called Yersinia pestis

On average one person catches tuberculosis every 3.6 seconds

Smallpox killed 30% of the people who caught it


  1. Amazing we are to ward off so many evil diseases, though some have disappeared all together as in smallpox in more recent times.

  2. The flu kills a lot of people around the world these day too. Nowhere near what small pox did but too many.

  3. I'm going to have to see what the Black Death is. I recall reading about it but a long time ago. The rest I know. That 5 BILLION viruses is mind bending!

  4. I knew about the rest but not that tuberculosis is still so prevalent! I did a report in school on the black death and the great fires of London. I tend to watch science shows. ;)

  5. I've done a lot of reading on the Black Plague history. Scares me that it is still around, just waiting for society to slip up...

  6. Malaria and TB remain scourges from which we can't seem to free ourselves.


  7. Here in this country we're dealing with a new disease that is killing children that is similar in symptoms to polio. Terrifying.

  8. Chatty......That it is

    Margaret....So true

    Rick........Oh yeah still far too many die from such diseases

    Katie.......The Black Death or Plague was a horrible time

    Rita........I thought TB was a thing of the past

    Chris........Scares me too it was so horrible

    Janie........I know I thought TB was done and dusted

    Karen........There always seem to be some new disease

  9. My grandson is going to Guatemala - and I do worry about those diseases!


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