Monday, 29 October 2018

Did you know No:27

Here we are at another Monday the last Monday of the month, this morning Tim & I went to see the GP he referred me to see a specialist about my knee and has referred me to the sleep clinic about my sleep apnoea because I am so tired all the time now days and it has been years since I have had it checked. By years I mean around 10yrs.

Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts

There was a time when most lipstick contained fish scales

The first personal computer went on sale in 1977 , it was an Apple 11

A calorie is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Centigrade............Really I thought it had something to do with food

The opposite sides of a dice always add up to seven

47 elephants and dancing bears survived the sinking of the Titanic and got jobs in New York afterwards.


  1. Interesting facts. Amazing those elephants and bears survived.
    Hope you get on ok at Doctor.

  2. That is great hearing all those facts. Did not know the one about the dice. You all have a great day.

  3. Hi Jo-Anne - I'm sure you'll get some help for your lack of sleep - they seem to have new ideas I'm pleased to say ... take care - cheers Hilary

  4. "Elephants and dancing bears?" Seriously? I had to go look that one up. And while it is reported that at least two websites claim this story, it was indeed an Urban legend. Wiki says, "There were many animals aboard the RMS Titanic during her disastrous maiden voyage, which ended with the ship sinking on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg.

    They included dogs, cats,chickens, other birds and an unknown number of rats. Twelve dogs were on the Titanic but only three survived, and the rest of the animals perished in the disaster."

  5. Yeah, I was sure about no elephants and dancing bears. Some dogs were in kennels. I read a book a long time ago by a man who was a young teen on the Titanic. He wanted to get his dog and was told he couldn't because the kennels were already under water.


  6. Margaret......I may have a long wait to see the specialist those animals were lucky if it is a true fact

    Marg..........I knew none of these facts

    Hilary........Yeah being tired all the time sucks

    Chris..........I had serious doubts about that fact too but thought it would give people a giggle, like why would they be there at all

    Janie.........Yeah any animals would have been kept on the lower decks and couldn't see why they would have dancing bears let alone elephants


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