Wednesday 21 May 2014

A bitch about Tim because I love him so I am allowed

Do you ever look around the house and think I wish I could change stuff, I do at times I wish I could have a nice vanity in the bathroom and I would love to be able to rip out the kitchen and redo it but of course I can't since we rent from the Department of Housing (government).

I have told Tim a few times that I would like to buy a nice rug for the loungeroom but each time I suggest it he kind of just brushes me off, he doesn't want to fork out money for a rug. I would also like to either paint or wallpaper the walls here but again that isn't going to happen, Tim has painted the bedrooms at different times during our time here. However, he says it involves to much work to paint again and he is just can't be bothered.

Sometimes I feel that Tim buys stuff he wants when he wants it but when I ask for something he wants to know if I really want it, do I really need it. Only a week or so ago I told him that I would like to get a new camera before we go to Hawaii but what does he say what's wrong with your camera, well there is nothing wrong with it I just feel like a new camera but he went on and on about it I ended up telling him not to worry about it.

When we bought the car we have I wanted to get a small car but Tim wanted a large van so we ended up getting the station wagon, now Tim has talked about buying another small car for him to drive to work I said fine but get an automatic so I can drive it at times but he of course wants a manual much to my annoyance. If he does get another car it bloody well be an automatic or I will be pissed off.

Yes this is a bitch about Tim post, but I love him and I am allowed to bitch about him from time to time. 


  1. This happens every where. Here too if my hubby things only we can buy anything.

    1. So I am not alone with a hubby who likes to make these decisions

  2. We are renovating at the moment, but then again we own our own house.
    I like manual cars, but much better is an automatic in a lot of traffic in the city etc.

    1. I can drive a manual I just chose not to I don't like to have to think all the time while I am driving

  3. If you want, I'll send you a baseball bat...

    1. There are times when I think it would be good to have one and trust me there are nights I could wack him with one and he wouldn't

  4. Jo-Anne, you need to learn the art of selling him on a product like your new camera by convincing him of how it benefits HIM. lol All our men drive us crazy, even our sons but what would we do without them? PS Tim is SO handsome in that picture...but he would be MORE handsome using a new camera. :)

    1. Yeah I think you are right if I could convince him he would benefit from me getting a new camera he would buy it in a heartbeat.

      Yeah all men drive us crazy but when we love them we put up with the crazy

  5. Bitch all you like. I hope you get your way about everything because I love you and I would give it to you if I were Tim.


  6. I think men and women often disagree on where the money gets spent and what gets done around the house. I know we do. It's good to let it out.

    1. So true I know my parents often disagree about money also

  7. I guess this a pretty common in couples that they don't always agree but you seem to take it fairly well. My husband nearly always lets me do things the way I want so I might be a real baby if I didn't get my way. I would prefer not putting that to a test.

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Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...