Saturday, 24 May 2014

Five Things Friday on Saturday

Ok here is five things Friday on Saturday because yesterday I as flat out like a lizard drinking and in so much pain that when I got home I didn't have a thought in my head except to have a hot bath and do nothing, however of course do nothing had to wait till after I unpacked the dishwasher, repacked the dishwasher, unpack the shopping, than vacuum out the house.

Anyway on to my five things for Friday and it is Friday some where in the world

I have a bad back
I love having photos on the walls
I am going grey
I prefer to drive an automatic

I need to dust


  1. I don't think women ever stop, even when they're in pain. Seems there is aways so much to do around the house and no one else is going to get the job done. Hope you feel better over the weekend!

    1. No you're right we just keep on keepin on like the energizer bunny

  2. As one who had back surgery a few years back, I hope you heal quickly and that you take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you I am in so much pain this morning I can barely move, sit or stand nothing is helping

  3. Hope your back is feeling better.

    I haven't driven a standard transmission in years. I am not sure I still know how.

    1. My back is still bothering me but I see a doctor about it tomorrow

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Woman's work in war times

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