Thursday, 15 May 2014


This afternoon when I dropped Leo off at his mum's house I told her she would have to help him with the last of his homework, which is to be handed in tomorrow. Well of course I get from her “ I can't” “ I have no patience” this was frustrating and I then turned to Kelli who is spending the night there and told her to make sure he get the last of his homework done, there is only two things left to do.

This made me think of how much patience I had when my girls were little and you know what I had very little, I was not a patient type of person and would often end up yell and carrying on like idiot.

I think most of us become more patient as we age and than we reach a certain age and our patience evaporates and we can no longer put up with idiots and fools. This is why old people are usually thought of as short tempered, cranky old

Although my mum is one of those rare people who has had a lot of patience since she was fairly young, mum was the calm one out of mum & dad, dad was the short tempered one, the one who would fly off the handle and rant and rave about stuff. Now they are in their 70's dad is becoming more short tempered and cranky and mum well she still has endless amounts of patience, my mum is a rarity.

I would love to think that I would have as much patience as my mum does when I am in my 70's but I am not so sure, I am in many ways more like my dad, I have always been a short tempered woman like my dad but like my mum I will get over things very fast. I do my block and then I am over it, I am not one to stew over things or to harp on things once I have released my anger I am over it.

So what about you are you patient or are you short tempered or maybe your are something in between. 


  1. Yes, Agree with you. As years pass away and get experience in many things we get patience. I am too not so patience to my kid. But i am praying to god to keep me patience!

    1. Nice to know that I am not alone in the opinion that patience comes easier with age

  2. Older I get the more I care less about irritating things. Just go with the flow.

  3. Too short of temper for my own liking.

  4. I am much, much more patient now than when I was young.

  5. I am more patient now except when I'm a passenger in the car andxwe are running late. Good post
    blessings, Joanne

    1. Oh how I hate it when I am the passenger as I have no control over how fast we go

  6. People often told me they were amazed at how patient I was with my children. I don't think I was ever patient enough. I do better now. If I ever get a grandchild, I think I will have loads of patience.


    1. Yeah I think many of us are more patient with our grandchildren then we were with our children, I know I am

  7. Takes an awful lot to get me really angry. Hardly ever happens. I think I have always had endless patience for some things and less when it comes to others. I try not to be crabby toward other people. It's not their fault if I am having a bad day or in pain. But I know I am crabbier sometimes. I usually try to be aware of it and apologize. Sometimes I think I have been cranky and Dagan and Leah haven't noticed, so I must be doing a decent job. I could not be around a snappy, crabby person for long. :)

    1. Yes I have apologized when I know I have gone off my head about something trivial and the person didn't deserve it

  8. I have always been fairly patient but that's not to say if I am over tired and am being pushed that I don't lose my temper from time to time. It just takes a lot to make me angry.


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