Monday, 5 May 2014

Dear Dad

This is the first post in a series of Dear……………. Letters to my family members, I am kicking it off with a letter to my dad…………… here we go……………

Dear Dad

You know that you are loved by your family but do you know how much we need you and how much we worry about you. We all know that you are fed up with doctors and hospital but it worries your children and grandchildren when you put off seeing a doctor when we all can see you are not well, when you are having trouble breathing and put off going to the doctor or A & E until you get worse. When you have a fall during the night and are short of breath we would rather you ring 000 and improve and not need them or have them come out and check you and be told you are ok then you leave it too late. Yes there are times when going over to the hospital seems like a waste of time and you feel too sick to wait around the hospital waiting room for ages but your health is so important to all your family.

We worry about your memory and understand your fear as much as we can but really need to take notice of these things, don’t put off getting help till it is so bad there is nothing that can be done to help, we know that you worry about losing your licence but we are more worried about losing you period.

Dad your family needs you and that means you need to take care of your health.

Ok enough going on about your health let’s move onto all the great memories I have of you my dad, one of my earliest memories is of walking around near aeropelican with me on your shoulders. I also have a vague memory of the time we got bogged on Blacksmiths beach and yes I do remember it is not a clear memory but I do still remember it. 

The time we wallpapered the kitchen is also a good memory and it still makes me laugh when I think about it, I don't know if you know dad how much it meant to me that I was able to help my dad with things, like wallpapering the kitchen and running power down to the garage when we lived in Flame street and putting up the pool.

I know I am blessed to have you as my dad; you have always been my hero, my idol. When I was around the age of 18 nanna asked me what type of man I would like to marry and all I could think of was a man like my dad, to me you were special the perfect dad, you could do everything and I always knew you would protect me and keep me safe. I know it may sound silly but you are still my hero and my idol and I am still so proud to be your daughter.

I was lucky in that I had you all to myself for 6 years but even when Jeannie & Sue came along I never felt pushed aside or that you loved me any less I just knew you had enough love to go around. All my life I have wanted to make you proud. 


  1. Awwwwww!!! Mad hugs, girl!


  2. The sweetest and most loving letter ever. I don't know you and your family except through this blog, but I believe all of you are very blessed.

    1. Thank you it was written from the heart, and I also think we are blessed to be part of such a great and loving family

  3. So very lovely and sweet! Has your dad read this yet?

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Woman's work in war times

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