Saturday 3 May 2014

My Arm

Look at my poor arm, it is so sore I am applying Aloe Vera Gel to the arm to try and help it heal but after I apply it the arm is even more sore.

Now I know you are all wondering what on earth I did to it, well I had it covered with band aid for about 4 days because of a couple of small sores on the arm and on Thursday it started leaking goo. I removed the band aid and it looked like it does and was as sore as all hell.

Some have said I might be allergic to the band aid, others have said I left it on too long and that is what caused it, whichever I don't know. All I do know is it looks terrible and is as sore as....................


  1. oh no! that looks painful, I'm sending you healing prayers!

    1. Thanks Tim is has been bloody sore ok still is hopefully it will improve soon


Wellness Test Results

I recently did a wellness questionnaire which can be found here: These are the results.               Person...