Sunday, 19 May 2024

Week 20 of 2024



Good morning and what a nice morning, why is it nice, no damn idea but that is what I wrote. The temp at 5.30am is 14 degrees and cool.

Tasha came down a wished me a happy Mother’s Day, Kathy & Summer came over to wish me happy Mother’s Day they brought me flowers.

Tim bought pizza for lunch.

Jessica and Sam brought down my Mother’s Day gift, bath/shower scrub from Sam which was made at school and long sleeve winter nighties from Jess.

Monday again, damn the weekend went fast, it is 15 degrees as I start this at 5.30am. Kathy asked if she could ring me once a week on Saturday’s instead of 3 times a week as we generally have little news to share with each other, I said that would be fine.

Light rain at 1pm, temp of 20 degrees.

While I was in the kitchen getting lunch my glasses broke, so I am using the pair I keep in the kitchen till Tim goes down the road and buys me another pair. I only wear the ones we can buy from Hot Bargain a discount store.

Another good night only 12 degrees when I got up. My BGL was 5.6 this morning.

Had a good morning hands working so so not as good as I would like but not as bad as they can get.

Had to ring Jess to wake Sam she wasn’t answering her phone, felt a little odd Kathy not ringing but I will soon get use to the new plan.

Got to a top of 21 degrees.

Had another good night after the initial tossing and turning. The temp is 14 degrees this morning, my BGL was 5.5.

Sue came over to do a load of washing as she had so much to do, and I have a large machine. While she was, she drove me to the opp shop to give them the old Coles bags. She also drove me the bakery and down to the plaza to make an appointment to have my eyed checked.

I got in trouble off Tasha & Tim because I sent Jess a message reminding her to ask Tasha about getting Sam tomorrow arvo. The wanted to see if she would remember on her own.

Had a good night, up washed, and dressed I have my appointment in Sydney with the neurologist at 12.30pm.

It is 11 degrees at 5.30am and my BGL was 4.9.

We left around 9.15am for the drive to Sydney, stopped for lunch before the appointment as we had plenty of time.

The appointment went well she was pleased to see me walking with just the cane and the first thing she said was “you have lost weight” yes, I have.

In fact, the pants I wore to the appointment were too big and would fall down if there hadn’t been a drawstring to tighten them up.

We got home around 3.30pm, Jess had to get Sam out of school early as there was no one here to meet the transport.

I have had my meds increased by one extra tablet a day, and we have a telehealth appointment in 6 weeks to let her know how I am doing.

Had a shocking night, I kept waking every couple of hours, to either pee or just because my body thought it would be fun to interrupt my sleep.

It is 12 degrees at 5.30am, reached a top of 22 degrees today so it’s warm.

I told Tim I would walk up and meet Sam this is how I will start getting into walking more.  Which my neurologist would like me to do.

I have felt ok most of the day but by 2.30pm I started to feel drained. I also have managed to write this as my hands are still.

Had a decent sleep, woke a few times to pee but settled straight back down again so that’s all good. It is 13 degrees and windy and the wind is cold.

By midday it is still only 16 degrees, and I am so cold I went and put a long sleeve singlet on.

Tasha comment that I looked a lot more relaxed and settled today and I agree I feel more settled. I have had more control over my hands.

Started raining at around 1.30pm and kept raining for hours.






  1. Glad you are feeling a little better. Hopefully it keeps up for some time.

    1. Me too, I like feeling more like me and less like I was

  2. Now that was an awesome Mother's Day! Glad your appointment went well. Take it slow, but walking more is going to be very good for you.

    1. I don't walk fast and I use my walker not my cane mostly because I can sit on the walker while I wait for Sam

  3. Sounds like maybe you're getting a corner turned, good for you!

    1. I just hope I am not headed down a dead end road

  4. I think it was a good week, you felt better

  5. Good to hear that your appointments went well, Jo-Anne, and you had a better week overall. Blessings!

  6. Glad to hear the dr. appointment went so well. Sounds like it was a good week. You even got out and about, too. :)

  7. Sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day. Good to hear you have been sleeping well.


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