Friday, 10 May 2024

Parkinson's and Eyesight


Good morning, it is Friday morning as I sit and write this post about Parkinson’s and eyesight, how many of us thought PD would have anything to do with our eyesight, not me that’s for sure.

It seems it is not uncommon for those of us with PD to have difficulty in focusing on nearby objects, this is because we lose the ability to converge with the eyes in order to focus.

This leads to blurred vision, often with double vision when reading.  This book says that relief can sometimes be found with a slight prismatic correction in prescription reading glasses, whatever, that means.

Focusing movement of the eyes may be slowed which is a problem with driving, as the PD suffer may not be able to shift gaze fast enough.

Then there is the reduction in blinking which may lead to dry eyes and a tendency for crusting on the eyelids and of course soreness. If one has dry eyes artificial tear eye drops should be used for relief.

Sometimes the drugs used to treat the disease may affect focusing, thankfully this usually only happens when starting a medication and after a bit things improve. Although in some rare cases the drug may increase the fluid pressure in the eye and provoke glaucoma which isn’t good. As this can cause pain, vomiting and deterioration of vision.

More to come next week.


  1. Doesn't sound like you have any of this at this time. I hope you never do! :)

    1. I don't and I hope I don't ever have to deal with this


  2. Problems with the eyes always have so many consequences, and unfortunately nausea is also part of it.

    1. I remember now that I had nausea when I had shingles in my left eye

  3. This has been by far your most informative series. Amazing how many different levels are affected.

    1. Who knew there was so much to Parkinson's, not me that's for sure

  4. I'm sorry to hear this. There are so many sad side effects to the disease.

  5. I learned some new things. I have dry eyes and it can be annoying. My eyes have a hard time reading the small print here on your blog. Maybe a darker font that is a bit bigger. I have cataracts and that is my main problem with the small print, even with glasses.

    1. I have increased the font on the post I just did, if the different colours give you a problem you can try reading it over at my Wordpress blog.


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