Monday, 20 May 2024

This weeks country America


Hello, how is everyone on this Monday morning, well it is Monday morning here. This week in our series on countries we have the good old U S A.

The USA is a large country with 50 states, it is mostly situated in North America with the capital being Washington D.C. It lies between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and borders Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.

Its largest state is Alaska but it’s also the least populated state, it was purchased from Russia in 1867 for 7.2 million dollars. The smallest state is Rhode Island.  

The first state was Delaware which dates back to 1787, with Hawaii being the last state dating from 1959.

Before 1776 the country was known as the United Colonies. It gained independence from the United Kingdom on 4 July 1776.

The flag has 13 stripes on it representing the first 13 colonies and 50 stars for the 50 states, it has been around since 1777, when on the 14 June it was adopted by the Continental Congress as the countries official flag. Before that each colony had its own flag.

The national anthem is Star Spangled Banner since 1931, although it was recognised by the navy in 1888. It was originally called The Defence of Fort McHenry.   



  1. Yep, that's us! Nicely done.

  2. Interesting, I think the meaning of the flag is beautiful.
    It's midnight here in Austria and I'm going to bed. Good night

    1. No way I would be awake at midnight, thanks for dropping by

  3. My family goes back to the 1600’s in the colonies!

  4. Why was Hawaii added as late as 1959? Was there a referendum?

    1. Yes there was a referendum with 93% in favour of it becoming a state.

  5. The number of stars on the flag has changed over time as the states were added, but the number of stripes has remained the same.
    I was born and raised in Minnesota but lived for 7 years in Wisconsin in the 80s and now the past 20 years in North Dakota. Regardless, I will always be a Minnesotan. ;)

    1. Yes I knew that about the stars and stripes, I can't imagine living anywhere but in New South Wales

  6. We leave for that largest state today, cannot wait for the journey and adventure!

  7. It's a beautiful country we have. Hawaii was actually a U.S. territory in 1898. The Democrats wanted more representatives in Congress, so they wanted Alaska brought in. Republicans countered with making Hawaii a state for the same reason. Both were late comers to the party.

    1. I didn't know any of that, so found it interesting

  8. I love my country! Thanks for highlighting our great nation, Jo-Anne.

  9. Fun to read : ) I have been to Ft. McHenry as we lived in Maryland (Annapolis, near Baltimore) for almost ten years. It's beautiful there! I've lived in 8 states but some of those states I've lived in more than once, so more than 8 cities. I've been to 31 of the 50 states but would love to get to them all. It's a big country!

    1. I am glad you liked the post how cool that you have visited 31 states


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