Friday, 17 May 2024

Parkinson's and Swollen Ankles


Hello everyone, I had a rough night, but I have managed to get up as usual check emails and read some blogs. Now it is time for another post about Parkinson’s.

Swelling of your ankles, isn’t something I have associated with Parkinson’s, but it seems it can be. This is due the fact that those with PD often sit for long periods of time and are often unable to move their legs normally.

Without regular movement that make our calf and thigh muscles there is little circulation in the legs thus causing swelling of the ankles.  

This is usually worse in the warmer weather and can even be made worse due to some treatments.

It can also become so bad there is difficulty in wearing normal shoes, there is also the risk of skin complications or phlebitis.

Treatment should be aimed at improving blood circulation.

Also those with PD need to remember that some of their symptoms may not be cause by PD but something else, swollen ankles can be due to fluid retention, joint pain may due to arthritis and urinary symptoms can be caused by and UTI or prostate problems.



  1. When it gets hot it starts to hurt too.
    Unfortunately, putting your feet up usually doesn't help much.
    Wish you a pleasant Friday

    1. Yeah some seem to think putting our feet up will fix it and I know it won't.

  2. Can also be caused by congestive heart failure as friends and people in my family have died from that. Whole legs can swell and ooze fluid. :(

    1. I have seen that on TV, legs that swollen must be horrible for the suffer

  3. Sorry about your hard night. ((Hugs)) I do get swollen ankles at times because of my heart conditions. I hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. So many things can cause our legs and ankles to swell up and it is painful and uncomfortable

  4. Swollen ankles/feet are symptoms that can crop up even when one doesn't have PD, Jo-Anne, that's for sure. Being able to get exercise in our legs will certainly help our circulation.

    1. I move my legs and do simple leg exercises each day to keep things how I would rather they be, thankfully swollen ankles or legs is not an issue for me.

  5. That looks incredibly uncomfortable, I would hope a doctor could recommend ways to lessen the swelling.

    1. It would be but thankfully they are not my feet just a photo I found of feet

  6. Who knew that constant sitting can be risky? I walk for 30 minutes a day plus do the shopping without a car, but otherwise I sit.

  7. The swollen ankles look very painful. I would probably be wearing slippers at that point---no regular shoes.


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