Monday, 6 May 2024

Facts about climate


Want to know a little bit about the climate, climate is of course the weather.

Mountain climates drop as the altitude increases, that’s of course the height above sea level, this affects the type of vegetation that can grow in the area.

Polar climates are extremely cold and change very little throughout the year. There is hardly any rain or snowfall and very few plants can grow. The animals have thick fur or fat to keep them warm.

Desert climates are as we all know very dry with very little rain. The days are extremely warm, and the nights can be bloody cold. Generally, the plants and animals in the desert can store water.

The mediterranean regions are warm all year round with wet winters and dry summer. Citrus fruit grows well in such areas as their thick skins prevent them drying out.

The area around the equator is known as the equatorial regions and are permanently hot and wet ideal for rainforests.  

City climates are usually warmer than less built-up areas as concrete absorbs heat for longer than vegetation does.

There is also coastal or maritime climates which are mild and wet due to the air above the land and sea constantly circulating, gaining and losing heat throughout the day and night.


  1. I love how elevation of a place above sea level can affect regional temperatures and rainfall. In the Southern part of the U. S., temps can certainly vary, especially when one visits the Appalachian Mountains. They will most certainly get ice and snow in winter while the lowlands are warmer with much less freezing or ice.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

  2. Most of California has a Mediterranean climate. Then we have high elevations into the mountains with frozen lakes! We have deserts too. A very diverse climate. It makes things interesting.

    1. I didn't know that, but there is a lot I don't know

  3. Good general summaries of the various climate regions. :)

  4. Mediterranean climates are definitely warm and dry in summer, as you say, but cool and wet in winter. Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne can drop to 10c in winter brrr

    1. I know our winters are not as cold as other places but it still feels cold to me

  5. I have lived in several such climates in my lifetime. I was usually glad to get back to what I was familiar with and used to.

  6. Thank you for sharing this information. Very insightful.

  7. I'd like to know about the climate that keeps giving us rain on the weekends, lol

    1. I would like to know why it rains on the days I have to go out


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