Sunday, 31 December 2023

Week 52 of 2023



Up at 4.50am another cool start to the day. By around 8.30am it started raining and has been raining on and off all day.

Did the grocery shopping it will be delivered Tuesday afternoon between 1 & 7pm I will ask Tasha if her, Blain or Sam can be here when it arrives and unpack the cold stuff.

A quiet day spent waiting for the computer to load and work like I wanted it to.


I have been up since 5am, sent a Christmas text to different family members, have received some replies and had to restart my frozen computer before doing anything but I cannot get my email program to open, make one want to scream.

Sent Christmas messages to my siblings, niece and Jonathon and received replies.

Had a video call from Kathy and that really made me happy seeing their lounge-room looking like mum & dad's on Christmas morning.

Jess & Sam came down and gave me and Tim a present each, a coffee cup for dad and a nice black necklace for me. The best present was although a photo of me and Sam.

Tasha cooked lunch and brought it down and we ate here all except Blain who wouldn't get out of bed. He did eventually come down for his gift which was just a $50 gift card.

All in all it was a good day.


I have been up since 5am as usual and I am drenched in sweat, while sitting here Jessica came over and dropped off a chocolate muffin for me.

The shopping should be delivered around 6.40pm.

I feel frustrated this morning with the shaking and sweating and other things not going the way I would like, aka my computer.....

Went over to Kathy's for lunch which was nice Michael made sow cooked ribs and a baked ham with spuds and carrots.

Just as we were leaving it started to hail and we had to pull over for a bit.

Came home to a hot house and Tim saying he should have turned the air con on before leaving.

Not as hot this morning, I have been up since 4.30am had a good nights sleep.

A busy morning working at the computer which took longer then is should have but I was chilled and just rolled with it. I did get things done even if it took a while.

Kathy rang as she does every Wednesday but as I had seen her only yesterday I wasn't expecting her to ring. We chatted about nothing much.

Another hot day, I turned the air con on around 11am and shut the house up to block out the heat.

Had a good night till about 3am when after getting up to pee I struggled to settle down again. Tossing and turning and after what didn't seem very long I looked at the time and found it was 4.50am so I got up.

I was in the kitchen getting breakie ready when Jess turned up looking for bread but sadly I didn't have any bread.

I decided to watch one of the many things I have recorded between 8.30am and when Tim gets up which is usually between 9.30 & 10am.

Another hot day, I am not handling the heat well it is giving me headaches and an unwell feeling.

I had a mostly good night sleep till 4am when I started to feel restless, I also started to feel like I couldn't breath and needed to take my Cpap mask off, so I ended up getting up at 4.30am.

Tim was up at 9am and of course turned what I was watching on telly off so he could watch his show.

Had to turn the air con on around 10.30,at least Tim isn't complaining about it going on, maybe he can see how bad the heat is affecting me.

Saw Kelli she came to borrow the wheelchair she was in a car accident yesterday and wrote off her father's car, she will need surgery on her right leg but not sure when. The kids were with her when the accident happened but are ok. She looked ok which lessened my concern. Her friend Jay who is down visiting drove them over to pick up the wheelchair by them I mean Kelli and her dad Rex.

Up at 4.30 again after a slightly restless night, had to get up during the night and eat some cheese & crackers as I was feeling unwell with hunger pains.

Had an early morning visit from Sue she isn't in a good place feeling she is poison and toxic and the world would be better without her, I gave her a hug well a few hugs and told her I don't like to hear her saying such things. I said a lot more to her gave her a stern talking to in fact

I am so tired I fell asleep while trying to watch TV so went and had a lay down for an hour. Did a bit of research and discovered the new medication I am on causes sleepiness and sudden onset sleep.


  1. Medications have so many side effects these days, Jo-Anne. Hope this one won't persist for you.
    Glad you had a lot of people for Christmas!

    1. Me too as it isn't nice feeling so tired after only a few hours awake

  2. 2023 was a horrid year. We can only hope 2024 is safer and more peaceful.

  3. I've had some restless night just this past week, too. Not sure why. Nothing going on here. I hope it's not your medications. Maybe they need to tweak them again. They just did change them again didn't they? You were doing lots better there for a while. When do you go back to the doctor?

    1. Yes I expect it is caused by the new medication and I hope it passes after a few weeks

  4. How do I do it? Slowly and steadily one day at a time

  5. Kind of a nothing week, much like mine... not an entirely bad thing.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...