Friday, 29 December 2023

Just some thoughts for 2024


Well it's Friday and it's hot again but it is Summer as my daughter reminded me.

A new year is fast approaching and what do I hope for the new year, I have been giving this some thought and what did I come up with..........

I would like to see Tim return to work, and if that's not going to happen I want to know what is going happen next. At the moment we just don't know what is going to happen, there is a meeting next Month that might give us some answers.

Both Natasha & Blain want jobs so I hope that happens for both of them. I feel that neither of them are really happy with how their life is going.

I hope that 2024 see's me still improving in regards to my health. I hope to also lose a little more weight.

I want to see Sandra move into a 4 bedroom home so she has more room.

I also want to see the differences between Kathy & Tasha can be worked out and their relationship can improve.

I am also trying to decide if I will post 6 days a week, like I have done this year or should I drop a day and post 5 days a week.

How about everyone else, do you have any idea what your hopes for 2024?


  1. I turn 70 in March. I'm looking at a physical, and having to take the DMV written test for the renewal of my drivers license. Oh fun!

    1. Such fun but better to make sure you are still a safe driver who knows the road rules

  2. Quiet winter and then eventually big changes and a lot of activity. I really can't plan much since I don't know when things will happen. But until things change I do plan to take it easy and do more arts and crafts! :)

  3. Do hope what you are wishing for 2024 comes to fruition.
    I just wish for my husband and myself to wake up every morning and be able to walk.

    1. Yes waking up each morning is important and being able to walk is so important

  4. I love your hopes for the New Year, Jo-Anne. My biggest one is the opportunity to see my grands more often.

    1. Thank you, only time will tell what will happen in 2024, seeing one's grandchildren can make us feel so good

  5. Me..I would like to not have an accident that isn't my fault! I have had three pretty bad ones that set me back but I rallied and hoping this year will be better. I'm steady all that. It's rough or very slippery things outside that got me each time. I enjoyed your hopes. They are all wonderfully good for not only you but the other family members.

    1. Thanks, if I was to walk on a slippery surface I would end up on the ground

  6. Hoping 2024 can bring you peace with whatever may come your way, but I do hope that your wishes will come true. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, only time will tell how 2024 will turn out but I have positive thoughts

  7. I was just thinking about writing on the subject....

    1. I just write what comes to mind and hope it isn't too boring for others to read


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...