Monday, 11 December 2023

Christmas Facts


Another Monday has arrived it is the last week of school here in down under although some schools will have their last day on the 18th and others it is the 15th.

Well now for some more facts concerning Christmas.

As most people know Christmas here is in summer and it is hot but not stinking hot every year, some are stinking hot but others it is just nice, with no need for the air con.

Even though it is hot there are some who like fake trees with fake snow, something I don't get. We even sing or listen to Christmas carols about snow such as Frosty the Snowman and Let it snow,let it snow.

Now every man and his dog should know that us Aussie's like to drink and it is not unheard of for people to get drunk on Christmas Eve, then again on Christmas Day and maybe Boxing Day.

Now even though it can be stinking bloody there are those who still cook a full roast dinner and those who will do a roast such beef, lamb, pork or turkey or all three with of course ham and the meat is served with a salad.

Yes there are some Aussies who like to spend the day at the beach having a barbie but that is not something I have ever done but then I don't like the beach, can't stand the feel of sand on my body.


  1. When I lived in Florida it was so strange to have Christmas while it was hot and sunny.

  2. Misty, when asked, said, "I wasn't for sure they drank, I just assumed..."

    1. Oh Misty, now you know we like to drink and I give grog as Chrissie Pressies

  3. Here in California it would be sunny and mild to wet and rainy. Never had a white Christmas when living on the coast! Now I’m nearer the mountains and while it rarely snows here, I can see the snow capped mountains at a distance.

    I don’t drink -so no getting drunk for me. Although the holidays is cause for many dysfunctional families to drink and get drunk. I am doing a ham for our Christmas meal that we’re having on the 23rd.

    I love Christmas but I’m always glad when it’s over.

    1. I am not a drinker either and it has been years since I got drank enough to get drunk

  4. How do you celebrate Christmas?

    1. Christmas Day will see Tim and myself here with Tasha, Jess and their boys. On the 23rd Tim and I will attended the Jenkins siblings Christmas gathering which is held at my brother's place.

      Then on the 26th Boxing Day Tim and I will go out to Kathy's place for lunch.

  5. Good job telling about our Christmas Jo-Anne.

  6. It's hard for me to imagine having warm weather at Christmas, Jo-Anne, but I knew that was true for all those living in the Southern Hemisphere. Hope your Christmas is blessed!

  7. It's winter here over Christmas, but in the warmer states people do the same thing with the fake snow. I don't get it either.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...