Sunday, 17 December 2023

Week 50 of 2023


Up at 4.40am had to pee and felt awake so got up. I turned the air con off and opened the front and back sliding doors, the breeze feels good and a tad cool.

Kathy and Summer arrived around 9.30am and left after an hour or so, Summer wanted to see Tasha.

Not long after that Kelli and her girls arrived, she left the girls with Jonathon while she went out shopping.

Jonathon brought the girls down to see me and Tim and he had a chat with Tim about his job.

Then Sandy arrived to pick up the 2 minute noodles Jess said she could have.

It hasn't been as hot today but it did get hot.

Had a better nights sleep, the last few nights I have had some strange and upsetting dreams about Tim, in them he was a right asshole and treated me like shit. That is not what Tim is like he loved me and treats me well doesn't swear at me or call me stupid like he did in the dreams.

Sam brought down his washing to toss in the dryer so he can have something to wear to school.

Sue called in to see me just before Tim left for his doctors appointment she had a cry as she misses seeing her grandchildren.

It has got very hot again around 26 degrees and it didn't help that I was in the bedroom sorting out Christmas presents with sweat dripping off me.

The woman in unit 5 walked down to Tasha's complaining about the dog and she slapped Tasha across the face. The woman pushed Tasha into her house where a punch up took place with Tasha beating on the woman who pulled Tasha's hair. Tasha ended up with a bleeding ear when her hair got caught in an earring.

Tasha called the cops, who after talking to people asked Tasha if she wanted to press charges Tasha said she did.

Tasha has security cameras and the start of the fight is on camera, it shows the woman approaching Tasha, Tasha told her to go away she didn't want to deal with her and the woman slapped Tasha's face.


A cool morning but suppose to be another pretty hot day they say around 25 degrees. I thought about turning the air con on when it got to 26 but Tim said not yet so I didn't turn it on and I managed to cope.

Tasha had a visit from the ranger about the dog she has in her back yard, this is not her dog. He was told the dog was neglected it isn't it does have an infected ear but Tasha has been treating it with the same stuff the ranger recommended, so all was good he didn't fine her or anything. Of course we know who made the report the woman from yesterday who Tasha beat up. I have heard the lady now has a bruised faced.

Saw Kelli she locked herself out of her house and came to get Jonathon's key so she could get in. I gave her a gift from Mrs Claus for Thea.

A new day I have a doctors appointment this morning and I hope I am able to go Coles after the appointment depends on Tasha's mood.

Appointment went well and I did manage to go to Coles and do a little shopping. He is pleased with my progress and has reduced the strength of one medication.

I contacted Snapfish about my missing order and they gave me the name of the actual printing company saying I would need to contact them which I have done via Email. I hope they reply.

Tim had rehab and I turned the air con on when he left for his appointment.

In for another stinking hot day, up at 4.45am.

Gave Sam's driver a Christmas Card and a $5 scatchie, Sam that that was really nice of me, but it is what Mum taught me to do.

I managed to sort our more Christmas presents it made my back pain flare up standing on my feet for so long.

I don't have anything for Kathy or Jessica. Haven't heard from the printing company about the parcel that went to the wrong to the address.

Tim said that tomorrow he will take me to the library and then to the reject shop.

Up early this morning at 4.35am I had a rough night took me ages to fully settle down due to my feet moving so much. Going to be hot but not stinking hot hopefully.

Tim went into work to arrange more time off, I went with him so I could go to the library then we went to the Reject shop (a large cheap shop)only bought a few things but it was good to go out.

It has warmed up but the breeze blowing through the house is nice.

When we got home we found the postie had been and we now had a parcel to collect at the post office. I have asked Tim to get me more stamps while there and he wrote down what I wanted.

Awake and up by 4.30am after a good nights sleep, I have to wear ¾ length pants as I don't have any clean or dry shorts, Tim did a load of washing and hung it on the clothes hoists, he will take them outside when he gets up.

Tim got the postage stamps but mucked up the order I asked for 2 overseas card only stamps, he got 1 of them. Mostly though he got what I wanted.

A hot lazy day, too hot to do anything I had the house shut up and the air con going.


  1. Goodness! Didn't expect to hear about Tasha in a fight with her neighbor. She has the proof. What happens when she presses charges? Will they go to court?
    Glad you got out and about. Have a good weekend. :)

    1. I don't know what will become of Tasha's complaint about the woman but apparently there have been a number of issues with this woman. I did have a good weekend

  2. You do have neighbor problems! I thank God that ours have been- with a couple of exceptions- peaceable enough. Hope the cops set things right with that bully.

    1. Yeah we have had problems over the years with this one or that one but nothing really serious, Tasha's fight is the worst in years

  3. Poor Tasha! I do hope everything gets sorted out with this not-friendly neighbor. Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. I hope they kick her out but who knows what will happen

  4. A whole lot of ups and downs in your world. Your comment about having dreams in which Tim treats you badly reminds me of a funny meme on saw. It said something like "It's starting to look like my husband's not going to apologize for being mean to me in my dream last night."

  5. That is a horrible thing that happened to Tasha. I am so glad she had the camera on! You have really been very busy yourself! I hope things calm for all of you I think the 25-26 C is about like 87 F here. If it isn't too humid, quite bearable.

    1. Well Tasha is no push over and she will stand up for herself and the cameras make her feel more secure. We have camera also they are a part of life now days


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...