Thursday, 14 December 2023

Aussie Slang a day late, sorry

Well we are half way through the school or working week meaning it is Wednesday and the day for some Aussie slang.

What else did you get for Christmas: A derisive retort to someone showing off

Chrissie: Christmas of course well since around the 1960's

A Christmas Hold: Now some will tell you it means to have a tight hold on ones testicles thus meaning to have a hand full of nuts. Others will say it means to simply have a good hold on something.

Pressie: Which of course means gift or present


  1. I really like the sarcastic "What else did you get for Christmas" phrase, Jo-Anne. All new to me!

  2. Chrissie and Pressie I had heard of. The sarcasm of the first one is funny! :)

  3. Well, 2 and 4 I learned on your last reply! I can't imagine using that last one, though...

  4. Only knew of two, pressie and chrissie, neither of which I use of like.

  5. In my childhood, all long nouns were shortened then give an ie suffix. Christmas became Chrissie, as you noted, and still remains so today.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...