Saturday, 23 December 2023

Christmas in the Colonies


Here we are at Saturday and this Saturday I have extracts from the book Christmas in the Colonies.

So identified is England with Christmas and Christmas with England that it seems as though they were made for each other. The Englishman in Australia hails its recurrence with feelings particularly his own.

It reminds him of olden times, never to be recalled and of pleasant scenes, never perhaps to be revisited and of old familiar faces that have passed away for ever, years may have rolled by but still when Christmas Day comes around the sense of separation from native soil and from friends and companions of early days, returns to the heart with scarcely diminished force.

Of Englishmen it has been truly said that dinner unlocks the heart and with equal truth the same may be said of the majority of Australians. We delight in keeping up the sacred festival of Christmas, not only in decorating houses and churches and repeating the message of peace and good will first hymned by the angelic host at Bethlehem.

We kept up the mystery of Christmas gifts as thoroughly as we sing our Christmas carols and we have transferred as a national heritage the home “bill of fare” for merry Christmas as the proper cheer for Christmas.

What though we garland our family portraits with ferns in place of laurels and replaced holly berries with scarlet geraniums, we nevertheless send our plum pudding to the table in a blaze. Even though the sun was shedding his hot rays over the parched grass or well-watered flowerbeds, instead of struggling through dense clouds to light up the snow laden landscape of Old England.


  1. I love that Australians have kept up the old English traditions, Jo-Anne. May your Christmas be blessed!

    1. Me too and thank you, I hope you have a great Christmas

  2. Wonderful, thank you... how I would love to see Australia... happy greetings to you from snowy Germany. After many plus degrees, we have had snow since last night and it continues to snow quietly... and looks beautiful. I'm so happy.
    A Merry Christmas to you and many greetings from Viola.

    1. It is cool and wet here on Christmas Eve, I hope you have a great Christmas

  3. Have a great and blessed Christmas, my sister!

    1. Right back at ya, it is cool and wet here wonder what tomorrow will be like

  4. Merry Christmas, Jo-Anne! Thanks for my ecard. 🙂

    1. You're welcome, I hope you have a great Christmas Day

  5. Have a very wonderful Christmas! :)


Week 10 of 2025

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