Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Creature Day


Hey hey it's creature day and as I sit here I have been thinking what other animal is associated with Christmas and the turkey popped into my head.

The reason of course is that many eat turkey on Christmas Day, growing up my Nan always served turkey at Christmas Lunch not that I real like it to me it is often a bit dry.

The turkey is a large bird native to North America. There are two extant turkey species: the wild turkey of eastern and central North America and another type turkey of the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.

So since turkeys are not found here down under the turkey we have is of course frozen and what is more popular is the turkey roll. My mum felt there was less wastage with the roll over the bird.

Wild turkeys can fly, sleep in trees and change colour their gender is determined by their poo.

Turkeys can live for up to 10 years but not if they are destined for the table.

I find turkey goes best with gravy, ham, pork and roast veggies like spuds and carrots, sweet potato and pumpkin, just saying you may disagree.


  1. I just drove by a bunch of wild turkeys coming back from the store. I used to get them in my front yard. It drove my dog and cat crazy!

    I used to love turkey - now, not so much. I'll eat it. I love the sidedishes that go with turkey; stuffing, mashed potatoes and turkey gravy.

    1. Never seen a wild turkey but that isn't a surprise, I love mashed potatoes too

  2. We did deli sliced turkey for Thanksgiving this year. Waste was zero and everyone was happy.

    1. Yeah that sounds like a good idea, less waste is always good as I hate wasting food

  3. Change color? I have never heard of or seen that. Gender determined by their poo? I have heard by the poo vent when they are little, but not the poo. The males look different as adults. We have wild turkeys up here. :)

    1. Yeah that poo thing made me wonder what the hell but that's what the information said, so that's what I wrote.

  4. When I think of turkey, I think of Thanksgiving, Jo-Anne. Since it's just Danny and me here on Christmas, I'm not sure what we'll be having.

    1. That I get as American's have turkey for Thanksgiving like we use to have it for Christmas Lunch

  5. We typically have ham or beef for Christmas, but occasionally turkey or Christmas Eve. I like it. Of course we always have a big turkey dinner for Thanksgiving in late November and that meal is one of my favorites. Hope you're doing well!

    1. I wondered if those who celebrate Thanksgiving had turkey at Christmas time as I know turkey is a big Thanksgiving dish


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