Sunday, 3 December 2023

Week 48 of 2023


Another 4.30am start to the day but that's ok and yes I did go to bed later then normal but still early.

My computer is giving me a headache this morning, did a reboot and working better.

Found when I got up Tim had done the laundry and tossed it in the dryer and it is going to be a hot day. If I did that he would go off about it. I said nothing.

Up at 4.30am again, some people would find getting up so early strange but I like it I like the quiet and stillness of the house.

Sue picked me up at 9am and drove to the morning tea with our cousins. It was a nice outing and lovely to meet Amy & Karen, Sandy had Denni with her as she refused to go to school.

Dave & Leigh came over to see us and drop off the Vietnam money they brought back for us as well as a key-ring and fridge magnet for my collection.

Slept in till 5am and have to have the back door opened as I was sweating.

Sue called in after helping Sandy get Denni ready for school, then straight after she left, Kelli turned up with her brother Vaughan and Thea she was dropping off something for Sandy as Sandy wasn't home.

Then within an hour of her leaving Sandy turned up to pick up what Kelli left for her. The about an hour or so later the plumber turned up as Tim was complaining that there was no pressure in the shower.

Awake at 4am but managed to lay in bed and doze on and off till 4.45 when I got up.

I for some reason have been thinking today is Monday. Tim said he was laying in bed thinking it was Saturday.

I asked Tasha if she can drive me to the podiatrist she complained that I didn't ask her sooner but I forgot about the appointment. I said the appointment was made 10 weeks ago and I had simply forgotten about it till I received the text reminding me of the appointment. She is going to take me thankfully.

I got up even earlier today as at 4.15am I needed to pee and once I was up I decided to stay up. Sam isn't going to school today as it is the swimming carnival and like many of the family Sam has no interest in such a thing.

Tasha took me to the podiatrist and then we stopped so I could go to Hot Bargain. Which I managed to do with just the use of a cane and it was great.

I have put up some Christmas decorations.

I was surprised to see Tasha turn up this afternoon to help me gt ready for bed as she usually doesn't do Thursdays but she said that means tomorrow she doesn't have to.

December is here the last month of the yeah.

Another early start I was up at 4.30am to pee and again stayed up, I found the ceiling fan in the lounge-room on with a close hoist under it with Jess & Sam's clothes on it. I did have to toss them into the dryer at 7am well closer to 7.15 as someone forgot.

Tim told me that our neighbour Kevin was taken to hospital last night, his wife Diane asked if Tim could take some things over to the hospital for Kevin.

Jess rang and asked me to ring the chemist for a Webster pack for Sam's school, he only needs 8 more days of medication to see out the year.

It has been a warm day for the start of Summer.

A cool wet morning and I am fine with that, had shorts on but found I was sweating so much that because the shorts stopped mid thigh my legs were either sticking together or rubbing together both of which was annoying so I went and changed into ¾ pants .

Tim walked out at 7am and said it was the latest he had slept in for ages, I mentioned it was only 7am and he looks at the clocks and says he thought it was 11.40am, so he went back to bed.

Dawson caught a bus over to see us for a bit, which was nice.

Tim went and picked up my Big W order, the bra I ordered was out of stock, how annoying.


  1. So glad you were about to be out and about with just a cane! That is great!! :)

  2. So glad you're out and about. I hate when I don't read the clock right!

    1. It felt good to get out and reading the clock wrong is something many of us have done and it is annoying

  3. I can't get over how early you get up in the morning, Jo-Anne. If I were up that early, I'd need at least two naps during the day. Lol!

    1. Yeah I do like getting up early always have, I like the quiet of the house


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...