Monday, 1 January 2024

A bit about New Years Eve


Here we are at the last day of 2023 and this year I will end with a post about New Year's Eve.

So when was the first New Years Eve, well wouldn't it be the year after the start of life on Earth. Anyway the first know record of New Year's celebrations goes back to around 2000B.C in Mesopotamia. It occurred at the time of some equinox which is around the end of March.

So we all know why it is New Year's Eve but did you know it was only since the 1300's that the word Eve has been used to refer to an evening before an event, such as Christmas and New Years.

When did the first of January start marking the start of a year well that was back during the reign of Numa that the Roman republican calendar would mark January and since January was named after Janus the Roman God of all beginnings.

Google tells me the first country to welcome the new year is Samoa followed by Kiribati and Tonga, as they are close to the International Date Line. This is also the reason Australia is also one of the first countries to welcome the New Tear.

Google also tells me that Rio hosts the world's largest and wildest New Year Celebrations. Of course the classic ball drop in Times Square or the fireworks displays at Central Park are also big celebrations.

Here in Australia NYE can be celebrated on boat cruises, in parks or at the beach, all we just have a barbie at home with family and mates. Sydney's celebrations are televised allowing many to celebrated in their home even if alone.


  1. I still have something under 6 hours to go. Misty has already been scared by 2 mortar bursts. Hope you have a great 2024!

    1. Strange as it may seem out of all the dogs I have had none of them got bothered by loud noises or fireworks

  2. The ball dropping in New York is televised over here, of course. I am not one to watch it, though. Happy New Year, Jo-anne!! :)

    1. I wouldn't watch it either nor do I watch the Sydney Fireworks which are televised as well, I am in bed sleeping.

  3. I never stay up for New Year's, but I'll watch recaps in the morning. Interesting history here, Jo-Anne!

    1. The recaps the following morning are good enough for me

  4. We watched a few of the shows last night on TV. We actually stayed up until about 1am. Wishing you all the best in this New Year!

    1. Tim of course stayed up as he does most nights not going to bed till between 2 and 3am


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...