Sunday, 14 January 2024

Week 2 of 2024


Had a pretty good night up at 4.50am only because my hose to my Cpap mask came disconnected and I had to get out of bed to find it saw the time and decided to stay up.

My feet haven't been as bad this morning

Tim has gone out to get Sam's birthday present.


I was surprised to see it was 5.10am when I got up this morning it is a much cooler start to the day.

Sam came down and I gave them their birthday present which they loved nothing fancy 3 different packs of playing cards, as they have decided to collect playing cards. Also gave some things for their arms and a set of fancy fingerless cloves.

Tim gave more practical things as in screwdrivers, a tape message and a small hammer all of which Sam loved. Sam does like to take things apart just for the fun of it.

I turned the air con on at around 9am which I suspect annoyed Tim but I was hot.

What a night last night was I was very restless and it took me a bloody long time to settle down. I realised I had forgotten to take one medication and got up and took it after which I did at last settle down.

I managed to find a diary online I hope it is the type I want.

I have been restless most of the day. Managed to not turn the air con on at all today.

Tim had a doctors appointment to get his medical for his driver's authority.

Had a good night slept pretty much straight through the night, I don't recall getting up during the night at all.

Tim went with Jessica for her rego check and noticed that the automatic registration failed as her pension card has expired so it cost her $443. Good thing he noticed. Although like me he has a habit checking the rego online after that time Jess got caught without rego because her CTP didn't go through even though we had paid it.

Tim had his Dr's appointment with him was a woman called Sarah who has been appointed by the CTP company “Youi” to help Tim get back to work. If only it would all run smoothly but nope isn't happening the company Tim works for are being difficult and one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Hell I feel that neither hand even knows what it is doing. This is very frustrating for both Tim and myself, I hate seeing Tim so upset and confused.

Up at 5am and opened the house up but there is no breeze this morning which is annoying. It is a real muggy morning I am feeling very sticky so I have turned on 3 different fans. When I checked the humidity was up at 96%.

I turned the air con on at midday, as I was fed up with the heat.

I have felt restless on and off all day.

Tim had a talk to his case worker from Youi and seemed in a tad better mood after that. He now has to have different physio on his hand to increase his strength, his lack of strength is one of the things preventing him driving a bus again.

In for another stinking hot and sweaty day how lucky am I.

Had only a short chat with Kathy as neither of us have any news to share.

Tim and I went out for lunch and we ended up ordering the same dish and we both only ate half of it, I think next time we should get one dish to share. The meal was really nice, well I thought it was, Tim, however, thought differently.

I turned the air con on at 10am and thankfully Tim didn't say anything.

Tasha isn't able to come and help me this afternoon yet again she will not be home. This is more annoying to Tim then it is to me as I don't need help as much as I like seeing her and having a short period of one on one time with my daughter.

Awake and up at 4.45am once awake I get up not one for just laying in bed. Thankfully not as sticky this morning.

Ok it is 8.30am I have just folded up the clothes and I am now drenched in sweat.

Air con went on at 10am, even then I suspect Tim thought it was too early.

Sandy called in to drop off an apple turnover for me and left with 10 small packets of cheese & onion chips and a packet of biscuits I didn't want.

Tasha is helping get ready for bed this afternoon.


  1. Happy 16th for Sam. I can understand Tim’s frustration about his job. I’m just so happy for you - you are improving so much.

    1. Thanks Debby, I have improved so much if only Tim's situation would start moving forward

  2. I do hope things get all sorted out for Tim with work. So frustrating when people don't know what they're doing.
    Stay cool! It's dangerously freezing here. -14F (-25.5C) with wind chill of -32F (-35C).

    1. Yeah temps in the minis is bloody cold and not something I am use to, I can only hope thinks for Tim improve

  3. Bureaucratic red tape is a nightmare, Jo-Anne. Hope Tim gets the help he needs.
    Happy Birthday, Sam!

    1. So bloody true, thanks Sam has grown so much he/she is so much taller then me now

  4. I'd love to be sweating right now. We are at -17 C here right now...

    1. I understand that but being drenched in sweat is frustrating

  5. Estou seguindo o seu blog como prova de que gostei dele. Queria que você também me seguisse. Bju


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