Monday, 8 January 2024

Monday's Facts: Earth's Beginnings


Hello all this years Mondays are still my facts day, kicking off the year is a few facts about the Earth's Beginnings, no one really knows how the universe came to be.

It is believed to have started around 14,000 million years ago with the Big Bang.

10,000 million years after the Big Bang our Sun and planets and solar system formed a galaxy called the Milky Way.

Each planet has a fixed path around the Sun, closest to the Sun is Mercury, then Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and lastly Neptune.

The Earth orbits the Sun at a distance of 149.6 million kilometres which makes it just the right temperature for water to exist as a liquid as well as ice and as a vapour.

The name Earth is believed to be 1,000 years old, all the other planets were named after Greek & Roman Goddesses the word “Earth” is an English/German word meaning “ground”.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. Never fun to start the beginning of the year off with a cold. Actually, I am surprized that I didn't get one as this is the time of year I get sick. Hope this week is better for you!

    1. I am also hoping that I feel more like me soon as I am aching all over at the moment

  2. So interesting Jo-Anne and thought provoking.

  3. God is the source of all creation; it's not for us to know His how, but to accept that we are here on this beautiful planet.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. Personally I agree but not everyone things that way

  4. I started off the year sick, too. I hope you are feeling better. :)


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