Sunday, 1 March 2020

Diary Week 9

I haven't posted since Tuesday for different reasons such as my body being in pain and my concentration being bloody awful and then there is the internet dropping out.

I hope things go better this week

Awake at 7am, but didn't get up till 7.30am when Tim got up for work, got dressed and opened the house up. I also put the clean clothes away I also put the clean clothes away
I then tidy the lounge-room and kitchen before putting the dishwasher on and throwing a load in to the washing machine. I then vacuumed out.
After blogging for a bit I hung the washing up to dry then mum rang and we talked for an hour which is normal.

I was up when the rooster crowed, not a real one but the sound of one on my phone waking me up.
Had a quick shower and got ready for aqua, Tasha doesn't like me going she worries it is too much for me.
Tim is on afternoons this week.
Walking down the drive for some unknown reason Leo's thumb started hurting.
Laminated a bunch of birth certificates and filled away.
His thumb hurt for about half a hour till he got distracted.

Up with the alarm, opened the house up then went and got dressed for the day.
Leo arrived around 7am he was in a good mood, however, he has misplaced his ipad charger.'
Had the injection in my knee, hope it works well, only time will tell.
Leo had a bad day at school, saying he isn't sure if he wants to go back tomorrow. Jess rang and spoke to Leo. He ended up hanging up on her. She will email the school.
Tasha has written about it in his communication book.
I hope he is better tomorrow
It has turned out hot,
I am so fed up with my right arm aching,

Up and dressed as usual with the roosters crow found myself drenched in sweat as I got dressed. So the air con went on early.
Woke at 3am for the loo but when I went back to bed I could not sleep, I laid there till 4.30am which was the last time before I dropped off. I also a a very bad headache.
Tim put scooter on to charge so I had to ask Tasha to get Leo this afternoon.
Started pissing down at 3pm, so I am glad Tasha is getting Leo.
Had to go and lay down with a Kool & Soothe on my forehead, after Tim left for work. I laid down for 2hrs
Mum told me that Ed was bitten four times by a snake, mum said it was a red belly brown snake which I have never heard of, he is home and ok. Sandy had to ring the ambos and he was taken to the hospital.

Up and dressed at 6.15, I was still opening the house when Jess & Leo arrived at 6.30.
A much cooler start to the day, hope it stays cool
Did 2 loads of laundry and vacuumed out twice and looks like it needs it again.
This afternoons after I was laying down listening to my book Tasha & Leo got into a spat. All she wanted was for Leo to open his door and speak to her, he didn't want to and this cause a conflict and when he did open it he had his hoody on hiding his face and couldn't understand when he had to show his face.
I really enjoy listening to a book before I go to sleep
Up with my alarm and got dressed in the lounge-room so not to disturb Tim.
Had a good morning shopping with Jessica and I didn't run into anything or over anyone.
It has been a warm day with a nice breeze through the house.
Mum was telling me that Ed was told by his dad that he has another brother named Mick who he wants Ed to meet, which he is suppose to do this weekend.
Told Jessica that I would be ok tonight and she didn't need to stay so she got me changed and left at 4.45pm.

Up at 9.30am, I didn't settled down till 8.30pm last night but slept well although my left shoulder is sore this morning got Tasha to rub ice gel into it.
Bought a couple of pizza's for lunch. I paid for them.
Been very tired this afternoon, fell asleep while I was talking to mum. So an early night for me.


  1. You are so busy - you need to slow down and take some time for yourself!

  2. Wow, last week was good except for running someone over, and this week was a mess EXCEPT for not running anyone over!

  3. "Leo had a bad day at school, saying he isn't sure if he wants to go back tomorrow. Jess rang and spoke to Leo. He ended up hanging up on her. She will email the school.
    Tasha has written about it in his communication book."


    Do you guys have homeschooling there?

  4. Hi Jo-Anne - lots going on ... and I see its cooler and you're getting yourself organised in time for the family ... take care - cheers Hilary

  5. Sandie.....Yes, you may be right

    Chris......You think so

    Sandi........Yes we do have home schooling but it is rare

    Hilary......Not cool today, me organised you must be joking

  6. Your notoriety is the thing that will make you a triumph or will immediately make you bankrupt.



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