Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Tuesday's Post

Good morning world from Aussie Jo at Jo-Anne's Ramblings, I didn't do a post yesterday I had no motivation to do much of anything. I think I have caught Natasha's cold so I have decided that I will not go out shopping this Friday unless I improve before then.

I had to go to the doctor's this morning just for script and spoke to him about Tasha's cold and myself getting a cold,, he said unless we have been overseas in the last month or have a high fever we have the common cold and to just stay home until it passes.

You only get tested for Covid 19 if you have been overseas or are over 65, and your GP cannot do the test.

My baby brother has told mum that she isn't to go out she needs to self isolate for who knows h ow long. This isn't what she wants to hear, as she like me only go to the shops one day a week for 2hrs max. However, after talking to the doctor I agree with him.

Jessica thought she would like to dive for Uber or Ola but it has given her a headache trying to set it up. I do not what she is going to do, I think it is more bother then its worth.


  1. Do be safe for certain, and your mum should absolutely stay home though that is a difficult restriction. Tim needs to be safe too, much as he can with his work situation.

  2. My best wishes to you all. Be well and stay safe.

  3. You all are not too bad off. No bars, no restaurants, and no toilet paper here...

  4. Glad you only have a cold. I'm social distancing on my couch for the time being.

  5. Diane B.........will do

    Katie.....We are doing our best, Tim was told to stay 1.5m away from passengers a bit hard to do when taking money off a person

    Kea......Thank you we are trying

    Chris......Same here

    Karen......I am too

    Sandie....Will do

  6. Good to know you only have a cold, but best to have checked with your doctor. We are isolating ourselves at home and keeping busy. A good opportunity to do some extra sorting of cupboards etc. and I am going to try to re-upholster some chairs so that should keep me busy! I hope your mum can stay home, at least you can all ring her perhaps set up a roster so she gets calls throughout the day. Take care.

  7. Rosie.......Mum sees or speaks to my brother evereyday and my youngerest sister 4 times a week and I speak to oher via phone every single day. She only goes out one day a week

  8. It's almost allergy season here in my part of the USA. Going to be a lot of people scared they've gotten the virus instead of their seasonal 'cold'. Stay Safe.

  9. Get better soon and stay away from people. Can someone do the shopping for you?

  10. If possible, stay home and keep safe. We have started the nationwide movement control. No more eating out.


Sierra Nevada Red Fox

                   This week we are looking at the Sierra Nevada red fox.  Then we have the Sierra Nevada red fox which is found in the ...