Friday, 27 March 2020

This too will pass

Another day here at Jo's place doing bugga all, reading blogs and watching telly with a bit of housework thrown in. of course I am in self isolation more less I do see Natasha each day she needs to help me with a number of tasks. I also see Jess & Leo but after today that may stop not sure when I will next see Kathy and her girls again.

Someone tried to tell my daughter that she had to remain inside her house with doors and windows shut. Yes you can have your windows and doors open yes you can sit outside in the sunshine. You can even chat to a neighbour as long as you keep 1.5m apart.

Children can still play outside in their own yard just not with friends, yes it is hard for children to understand, but after a while they will get it.

Life is going on and in time this too will pass.

People need to use a bit of common sense


  1. Exactly - life isn't over right now - it is just changed.

  2. Yes, things are going to be restrictive for a while, that's for sure. Stay safe! :)

  3. Thanks for the reminder that we'll get through this! Life is different now, and probably will be for quite some time yet. Already I hear about "second waves" on the media, if lock-downs and other restrictions are lifted too soon. Our curve is very much on the up-swing, but there will be a peak eventually, and then the down curve.

    Stay safe and be well. My best to you and your family.

  4. İşin ciddiyetini anlamak gerek. Yoksa çok daha kötü sonuçları olacak. Allah'ım hepimizi korusun.

  5. Some of the adults don't get it, I'm sure children sometimes have more sense than adults - did you see people at the beach in Melbourne today!.
    Stay safe..

  6. Amazing the amount of misinformation out there. Our city is trying to do a "step out your door at 7PM and wave at your neighbor" deal. So far, Misty and I have been alone.

  7. I've noticed common sense is lacking in many people these days. It's all about them and what they want - screw the rest of the people. Like the beaches were crowded with people, campgrounds, and parks. Crazy times. Glad you are well. Stay that way!

  8. We are so used to getting what we want that some people are having a very hard time grasping that at this moment in time, where you want to go and what you want to do doesn't matter. Stay home and stay safe.

  9. I got out of work early today (2 ish) and for a change it was warm and sunny. Got home in time to do some crafting, and then some gardening. Clearing out all of the leaves from the flowerbeds I found all the bulbs are starting to make their way through the dirt. The dog played out in the sun for a bit. She was loving it.

    Until tomorrow when the rain moves back in.

  10. You are so right and it will pass. We all have to be so sensible right now and think of others too. There is a lot we can still do without causing any problems as long as we stay away from other people and use good sanitary practice. I hope you stay well. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Sandie.....So right my friend

    Rita......They are and I will try

    Kea.......Day to day life has change

    Beyda......So true

    Margaret D......So bloody true, what are thinking

    Chris.....Yes there is which make it hard for some to understand

    Debby......I agree some people are being selfish not thinking of others

    Karen.......Yes stay home and stay safe, simple

    Juli.......Sounds lovely

  12. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, a lot of that common sense seems to be out of the window these days.
    The news is not helping as most reporters are NO experts either.
    Fear mongering is not helping anyone - as you said: using a bit of commons sense!
    Hoping that this crazy time will soon end.

  13. I'm concerned about the children I see playing together at the neighborhood park. They aren't all from the same family and of course children are not going to maintain social distancing.


  14. I go out for food and that is about all. I hate staying here but we have to.


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