Sunday, 22 March 2020

My Dieary week 12

I was awake around 7.15am, I heard Tim get up and say oh shit it was later then he would have liked, he started work at 7.45am.
Been a nice day not cold nor hot. I have felt so drained all day

Up with the alarm but spent time doing stuff before I went to get ready for aqua, which I managed on my own.
Tasha didn't want me to go as she is still feeling like shit. She has a head cold but no fever, she is thinking of seeing a doctor.
Aqua was good.
Turned out hot today.
Spoke to mum while waiting for Leo, I lost connection with her on the house phone at Tasha's carport. I then rang her back on my mobile.

Went to the doctors just for scripts thankfully I was in and out pretty quick. While there I asked about Tasha & Blain's colds he agreed that for a simple cold without a high fever all they need to do was stay home and rest.
Also asked about mum and he said because she is 80yrs old and has high blood pressure, diabetes and a heart condition she should stay home as much as possible.
Jessica is thinking about driving for Uber or Ola she filled in the application for Uber and everything went through but she hasn't been able to get the app working so she decided to try Ola not sure how that's working out as yet. I think is more bother then its worth.
Leo is here tonight
Mum has given in to pressure and will be staying home for a while, at least she see's Dave, Sandy & Dawson most days.
I also have a head cold so will not be going out this Friday.

Another terrible start to the day, due to only having one toilet, so I had to have a shower in order to feel clean. Took some diarrhoea relief tablets.
Been a nice day.
Jessica sent another email to Leo's school about his treatment and she sent a copy to me.
Tim also sent an email the school about Leo.

Up with the alarm as per usual got dressed in the lounge-room. Jess & Leo arrived at 6.30am.
Tasha was sick all night throwing up, however, after taking pain relief and cough syrup she felt well enough to go to the shops.
In the end she went to 3 different supermarkets and the chemist for me, Sandy was able to get me toilet paper and sugar.
A hot day, I had to turn the air con on this afternoon.
Leo here tonight.

Had a shower when I got up, Leo had a late night so I let him sleep in till 7.45am.
At 8.30 the plumber arrived to fix the leaking taps. He also replaced the shower head with a hose one.
Mum rang and told me that she has had no power since 8.30pm last night. Leigh rang Ausgrid last night and explained that mum is 80 and that she had no power.
So the electricity company came out and said the power box for the house had packed it in. Mum said they were there till 10am fixing the problem.
Jess rang at 4.30pm to tell Tim Coles down the road had toilet paper, so he jumped in the car and went down. He didn't get any.

I was up at 7.15 because that is when I woke up. Tim didn't get up till 9.45, Kathy turned up around 10.15am with Summer they stayed till 11.45am.
It was great seeing them and get hugs and kisses from them. I said to Kathy you don't want to social distance from us, she laughed and said no way. None of my girls are social distancing from me.
I was up at 7.15 because that is when I woke up. Tim didn't get up till 9.45, Kathy turned up around 10.15am with Summer they stayed till 11.45am.
It was great seeing them and get hugs and kisses from them. I said to Kathy you don't want to social distance from us, she laughed and said no way. None of my girls are social distancing from me.


  1. That's so sweet: no social distancing with your girls. They love you, and so do I.


  2. I kind of disagree there - glad they came to see you - but hugs and kisses now - I would be a bit concerned girl. Maybe it is more rampant here. sandie♥

  3. We’ve been hunkered down at home doing things that has been on our to do list for a while.

  4. Hope those suffering from cold are feeling better. Stay home and stay safe. Take care, Jo-Anne.

  5. Man, what a rough week! It will get better.

  6. Janie.......That they do and I am touched

    Sandie.....I was surprised they gave hugs & kisses

    Rick......So many are

    Nancy.....I am

    Chris...,...I expect it will be


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