Tuesday, 10 March 2020


Hello Tuesday, how ya doing?

Well its creature day and today's creature is the Yak.

A Yak looks like a very large cow, standing around 2m or 7ft tall and it's covered in a thick long fur that can each down to the ground, it's kinda like a hairy blanket. Combined with a softer fluffier fur underneath. This keeps the yak warm and dry , now you may wonder about them sweating but yaks do not sweat, during the hot weather they make tracks to higher ground they before temps around -40 degrees.

They are found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Northern Myanmar, Yunnan, Sichuan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia.

High in their mountain home the air doesn't contain much oxygen, so the yak has extra large lungs and special blood cells that can collect extra oxygen from the air.

They are used for pulling ploughs and carrying heavy loads, they also can provide milk which is made into butter and cheese. Their thick hair can be used to make ropes, people also collect their dung and use it for fuel for fires.

The female is called a dri or nak, although the name yak is also used for both male and female


  1. I know I've seen pictures of them domesticated. Seem as gentle as cows...but I wonder with those horns--LOL! :)

  2. Hi Joanne - they are amazing creatures aren't they ... and are so valuable to the peoples in Asia - cheers Hilary

  3. I saw them on a BBC doc not too long ago... very interesting!

  4. THAT is interesting. It's an animal I have heard the name of but never looked at a picture.

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